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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

All versions of Microsoft SQL Server (not MySQL). Please also add a version-specific tag, like sql-server-2016, since it is often relevant to the question.
All versions of MySQL (not Microsoft SQL Server). Please also add a version-specific tag like mysql-5.7 if that is relevant to the question.
22474 questions
All versions of PostgreSQL. Add an additional version-specific tag like [postgresql-13] if that context is relevant.
All versions of Oracle database. Add a version-specific tag like oracle-11g-r2 if that context is important in the question. Do not use for Oracle products such as applications or middleware or other …
An evaluation of whether a system works well enough to be fit for purpose. Normally performance refers to the speed with which a system completes an operation or set of operations over time.
The development of the conceptual schema and/or the logical model and/or the physical settings of a database.
SQL Server 2012 (major build version 11.00.xxxx). Please also tag sql-server.
4535 questions
SQL Server 2008 (major build version 10.00.xxxx). Please also tag with sql-server.
3878 questions
SQL Server 2008 R2 (major build version 10.50.xxxx). Please also tag with sql-server.
3778 questions
Replication is the process of sharing any level of information so as to ensure consistency between redundant hardware/software resources to improve reliability, fault-tolerance, and accessibility
For questions about improving the performance and/or efficiency of database queries.
A database structure that can improve the speed of queries at the cost of disk space and slower inserts/updates. It stores a copy of one or more columns sorted but structures the data differently to …
Transact-SQL (T-SQL) is a dialect of SQL used by Microsoft SQL Server and SAP's Sybase.
3107 questions
SQL Server 2016 (major build version 13.00.xxxx). Please also tag sql-server.
SQL Server 2014 (major build version 12.0.xxxx). Please also tag sql-server.
2761 questions
Open source RDBMS that forked from MySQL. Add a version-specific tag like mariadb-10.5 if that context is important.
Making copies of data which may be restored after a data loss event or to recover data from some earlier point in time.
All versions of MongoDB - a scalable, high-performance, open-source, document-oriented database.
2411 questions
InnoDB : MySQL's ACID-compliant Storage Engine
2245 questions
An SQL join clause combines records from two or more tables or views.
2010 questions
In the context of a database, optimisation refers to the process of the query optimiser selecting an efficient physical execution plan.
1996 questions
Callable code installed on a database manager, exposing an API through which it can be invoked. Normally written in the native query language, some DBMS platforms support other languages as well.
1684 questions
Availability Groups are a new feature of SQL Server 2012 that provide continuous data synchronization, automatic failover and secondary read access for one or many SQL Server databases.
Privileges granted to an account or role through the security mechanism of an operating system, database manager or other system.
Writing queries to request or change information stored in a database or other information management system. Questions should include table and index definitions, sample data, expected output, and a …
Procedural code automatically executed in response to a database event.
1518 questions
Reloading a database from a backup, typically for disaster recovery, or to make a copy of a database onto another server.
1445 questions
Oracle Database 11g Release 2. Please also tag oracle for search purposes.
1356 questions
SQL Server 2005 (major build version 9.00.xxxx). Please also tag sql-server.
1326 questions
SQL Server Management Studio, a graphical front-end tool shipped with SQL Server for managing and querying databases. It also supports managing other bundled systems such as SSAS.
Performance issues with PostgreSQL queries
The strategy selected by the query optimizer to process a query.
1202 questions
MySQL version 5.5 - please also tag with mysql for search purposes.
1184 questions
SQL Server Integration Services, an ETL tool sold by Microsoft and bundled with SQL Server versions since SQL Server 2005.
1137 questions
Allowing users to access only the data they are authorized to access. It also encompasses protection of data during movement on the network and storage on disks and backups.
1099 questions
MySQL version 5.7 - please also tag with mysql for search purposes.
1098 questions
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