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Questions tagged [reference]

Use this tag for questions that will be useful as references, or for questions about reference material.

227 votes
101 answers

Terminology index - a list of bike part names and cycling concepts

This question and its answers list the names of bike parts and cycling concepts. Some Rules Make sure you only put one term per answer! Try to include an image if applicable Include sources that ...
22 votes
9 answers

How can I tell what year my bike was made?

This is a canonical question that will hopefully encompass all of the questions we get asking us to determine what year a bicycle was manufactured (how old is my bike, how old is my frame, etc.). Each ...
RoboKaren's user avatar
  • 29.3k
34 votes
29 answers

What's your most useful cycle accessory?

What is the most useful accessory you got for your bike? By useful, I mean something that improved the enjoyment or functionality of using your bike. Note - I know this is a subjective question, but ...
45 votes
12 answers

Different kinds of Handlebars

What different kinds of bike handle bars are there? All kinds welcome, the common and the nameless. If possible include the pros and cons of the bar One bar per post
18 votes
20 answers

Bike sharing services and systems

What are some bike sharing services out there? I know that there have been some in Europe. Here's wikipedia's entry. This is one that I heard of recently in NYC.
17 votes
4 answers

Pre ride checks

What checks should you perform before setting off to ensure that your bike is safe to ride? I'm more interesting in mountain bikes rather ride road bikes but I guess that most checks are applicable ...
Phil Hale's user avatar
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16 votes
9 answers

How to encourage people close to me to become cyclists?

Sometimes you try to help somebody get into cycling (buy girlfriend a bike, fix up a friend's bike, give a bike to family, help friend shop for bike) and they never really get into it and fall back ...
10 votes
48 answers

Community Wiki: Which public transport networks allow you to transport a bike?

In the UK I have never seen a public bus system that allows you to take a (non-folding) bike on the bus. (There are long distance coaches that do allow bikes, however I am asking about local busses.) ...
10 votes
1 answer

Dictionary of regional vocabulary differences (US vs UK)

Given that we appear to be about evenly divided between UK and US folks (and given that "Britain and the United States are two countries divided by a common language"), there should be a dictionary of ...
9 votes
9 answers

Charities that accept bike donations

I have a few old-but-still-working bikes collecting dust. Instead of trashing them, I'd like to give them to a charity so they can have a new life. I figured we could make a list of charities who ...
10 votes
1 answer

What's the definition of a Mixte?

What makes a mixte frame? Further, what's the etymology of 'mixte'?
Noel's user avatar
  • 278
4 votes
4 answers

Good books on mountain biking

What books do you know about learning mountain biking.