what did you learn today? (part 2)

I still can't login at all to the Broadcom site.
I regenerated my account when I got the Broadcom email, verified I could login, and then waited for the Tsunami changover to occur.
Changeover occurred and I tried logging in, and it doesn't even recognise my account at all.
I passed this up the chain to the person negotiating with Broadcom so that we could pay them money and got an inside contact.
I've emailed roughly once a week and get back (paraphrased) "I'm doing what I can but your account is screwed and nothing can be done at this time".
Oncall has verily luckily been quiet.

Well, I spent all day with Broadcom support yesterday trying to get it fixed. The results? Hung up on twice so I had to requeue as no ticket was created in that time even though they said they were going to, 3rd call I got a Zoom because they said I had rights to my entitlements so they saw nothing wrong. Zoom showed the issue so they got it partially fixed. I can now see and download 1/3rd of my entitled software but not the stuff I need right now so new case created to investigate that now. In the process of doing that my account is no longer valid in the support portal (happened after I logged out after the zoom session) so I cannot actually see the case that was created nor can I create a new case, I have to call in again. I've been summarizing the woes with all this to my boss every week as more reason to ditch vmware for something else.
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Ars Legatus Legionis
Well, I spent all day with Broadcom support yesterday trying to get it fixed. The results? Hung up on twice so I had to requeue as no ticket was created in that time even though they said they were going to, 3rd call I got a Zoom because they said I had rights to my entitlements so they saw nothing wrong. Zoom showed the issue so they got it partially fixed. I can now see and download 1/3rd of my entitled software but not the stuff I need right now so new case created to investigate that now. In the process of doing that my account is no longer valid in the support portal (happened after I logged out after the zoom session) so I cannot actually see the case that was created nor can I create a new case, I have to call in again. I've been summarizing the woes with all this to my boss every week as more reason to ditch vmware for something else.
At this point you should engage your VAR/Reseller and lean on them to get this fixed via the partner channels.


Ars Praefectus
Ugh Microsoft. TIL about Get-Unique and also the list you feed it has to be sorted for it to work, not that it's hard but still.

If you feed it "A,A,B,B,C,C" You'll get "A,B,C" out, but if you Feed it A,B,C,A,B,C you'll get A,B,C,A,B,C out.
Oh just like uniq on the other side.

Note: 'uniq' does not detect repeated lines unless they are adjacent. You may want to sort the input first, or use 'sort -u' without 'uniq'.


Ars Praefectus
they've never had decent client tooling for this
Well Windows Update has generally always been a dumpster fire in one way or another, but I've been using a VBScript to do basic patch installation for almost a decade now with good success. But Microsoft is killing VBScript because they want everyone to move to PowerShell. Hence it's rather amusing that they don't have a native module for that. The good news is the linked project is rather robust (and gives me more options than the VBScript ever did).
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TIL I learned of the RailRunOnce registry key, a special registry key to run apps at startup of a Windows RDP Services Server session. This key is separate from all the other Run keys to auto-launch apps in Windows.
The most common use, as was mine, was to let OneDrive run in the background so a RemoteApp can use the user's OneDrive folders.


Ars Legatus Legionis

Looks like Teamviewer has been hacked again.


Smack-Fu Master, in training
they've never had decent client tooling for this
TIL that Microsoft doesn't have a first-party module for managing Windows updates (checking for them, installing them, etc) through PowerShell. You have to rely on an open-source project for that.
A plug for another tool that leverages powershell (same module as pswindowsupdate I think) for updates And rolls in other updating like chocolatey.

Sadly microsoft changed some tooling in the later versions of Windows 11 that breaks both topgrade and pswindowsupdate.
-I think it works fine on Windows 10 and maybe Server OS, still, until they fix that glitch too.

(champing at the bit to get Windows 11 LTSC, it has gone gold but not released beyond partners. Yes, I work for a partner(just too far removed from the microsoft feed) so it isn't technically illicit..)
When Microsoft started forcing updates in Windows 10 (which you find in my posting history over the years that I mostly agree with that direction) I expected Windows Update to get some decent PowerShell support. At the very least, I wanted something that could kick off updates from the command line reliably, something I've wanted built-in for years since PSWindowsUpdate requires changes to the default execution policy.

Instead, we get the retirement of wuauclt and the Windows Update log requiring a new PowerShell command to be read. So I guess we got some form of PowerShell, just not anything useful.


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius


Ars Praefectus
Following along the outages.net mailing list and it looks like something has gone quite wrong for Hurricane Electric. Looks like for some reason their domain has been put into ClientHold and HE.net has been withdrawn from .net zone.
Holy shit lol. From NANOG:

Network Solutions has decided to put our domain name on Client Hold due to
a single phishing complaint about a web page, which happens to just be a
page of information about another domain from bgp.he.net. Network Solutions
has been contacted, and refuses to handle this issue in ANY expedited
manner. Executives from Hurricane have been calling and emailing Network
Solutions for HOURS trying to have this addressed. If anyone has an
escalation contact at Network Solutions, please email it to me at
redhead at lightning.net, or rfishler at he.net. Thanks.

Reid Fishler
Sr Director
Hurricane Electric

What "better than Gandi" registrar would you recommend? I saw CSC and Markmonitor but that's a bit too expensive for just a few names and a small business. Is there something between the budget hoster for $20-50 a year and $10000? minimum account size for the top tier?


Ars Legatus Legionis
What "better than Gandi" registrar would you recommend? I saw CSC and Markmonitor but that's a bit too expensive for just a few names and a small business. Is there something between the budget hoster for $20-50 a year and $10000? minimum account size for the top tier?
We use a mix of Route53 and Cloudflare.

Danger Mouse

Ars Legatus Legionis
This is very likely our 5 year plan.
Until late last year, our HQ’s voicemail for a 200k annual student community college district, was an old Packard Bell or maybe Compaq pentium PC.


We only got rid of our last ancient ASA 4 years ago.

By the time everyone is finished dumpling the latest hotness, we’re just getting roped in.

In 2010:

HP: hey, would you like to get a great deal on BladePC?

2023: finally finished unracking the last few chassis
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Ars Legatus Legionis
Until late last year, our HQ’s voicemail for a 200k annual student community college district, was an old Packard Bell or maybe Compaq pentium PC.

The Unified Communications module on some NEC PBXes I've deployed is literally Windows 7 PC that slots into one of the main chassis' expansion slots. It's a real treat to configure.


Ars Legatus Legionis
One thing I have never really regretted was switching from the Cisco CallCenter system we had as our first IP PBX to a Digium Switchvox system (basically fancy Asterisk). It has been more or less reliable, customizable and has performed everything we have needed it to do without much complaint. As it runs as a simple KVM virtual machine, I can easily do snapshots as well as its built in backup that just compresses all its important bits (including voicemails) and SFTPs them off to a separate server. No fuss at all. The licensing cost is not excessive either, considering how important phones can still be and just in the last couple of years they finally got off their butts and made a really decent softphone package that works on Windows, Mac, Android and iOS without too much trouble. In the past they just had a really crappy reskin of some other thing or told you to use whatever SIP softphone you wanted but they never integrated really well.

We only used up to around 150 total extensions or so but it never even broke a sweat on the low end hardware we have it on so I imagine it could easily do up to 1000 without much fuss and you could break it out to a departmental setup if needed for over 10000 or something I would guess.
Is it possible to pull the zone file of a domain publicly?

Found a domain whose DNS is set up on an account that is long forgotten. 🙄 I want to move it into are usual DNS with the other domains, but it seems like typical DNS import features can only look up commonly used CNAME names. There are likely other CNAME records that need to be pulled before I can switch the nameservers.