ars predictions... does Biden get replaced before the convention

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Ars Praefectus
I don't think the media has been particularly critical of Biden. If they had been, they would have reported on his slipping a long time ago. He didn't just deteriorate on the debate stage. Instead, they went after any sign of aging by buying into the White House narrative that these are "deep fakes," which then turned into "misspeaking" and really meaning "cheap fakes" -- when that is, in fact, "entirely real, just unfavorable for us." The term disinformation is clearly being weaponized against entirely truthful information. (Not the first time -- perhaps most prominently with the Hunter Biden laptop, where social media companies actually blocked newspapers that reported on the story, which turned out to be entirely true even as the Biden campaign had denounced them as Russian propaganda.)
But, of course they are being particularly critical of Biden. Frankly, your comments misconstrue how the media works: they aren't some kind of domestic animal that can be trusted to remain loyal to its mater, instead, they are a swarm of wild beasts, turning on a dime the moment they smell blood in the water, suddenly becoming particularly critical in their effort to be the one who broke the story. In this kind of situation, questions about the quality and reliability of sources tend to go out the window and any comment which bleads, leads, regardless of how thin the sourcing.
I would say that certain scandals do necessitate the media turning on a politician. Things like bribery, abuse of office, or obvious cognitive decline that cause us to question their ability to execute office.

Now someone is likely to respond to this with "but Trump!" But Trump's malfeasance has been extensively covered for nine years now, and no one is left to be persuaded on that front (particularly from mainstream outlets). Whereas Biden's issues are new information for the electorate.
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Oh sure; POTUS being compromised for any reason is the biggest news story on Earth.
And yet the news isn't wall to wall about Trump's mental decline, his criminality, his unwillingness to accept democracy, his corruption, his incompetence, etc etc etc.

Strange isn't it.

Biden has a bad debate and people freak the fuck out. Trump egged on an insurrection (and had a debate where he couldn't answer a single question) and crickets.
(1) It's not a "bad debate." Obama had a "bad debate" in 2012 by looking a bit disinterested and not getting zingers in. Biden struggled to speak, keep a train of thought, or control his face between questions. The party is evaluating replacing him due to how shocking his demonstrated decline was. It's a historical event.

(2) We've had wall-to-wall coverage of Trump's malfeasance for 9 years, and I literally cannot understand how anyone would consider coverage of Trump "crickets." Unless you think that all news should be about Trump with no interruptions for other topics.
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Ars Legatus Legionis
I would say that certain scandals do necessitate the media turning on a politician. Things like bribery, abuse of office, or obvious cognitive decline that cause us to question their ability to execute office.

Now someone is likely to respond to this with "but Trump!" But Trump's malfeasance has been extensively covered for nine years now, and no one is left to be persuaded on that front (particularly from mainstream outlets). Whereas Biden's issues are new information for the electorate.
It doesn't justify neglect of basics like getting confirmation for your stories before you publish.
It doesn't justify neglect of basics like getting confirmation for your stories before you publish.
Which stories, and in what way? Is it a preponderance of coverage, or are you pointing at one story to paint with a broad brush?

Note that Biden refuses to appear after dark without a teleprompter or take a cognitive test, so it's not like the White House is forthcoming. They've changed their excuse for the debate three times, with the most recent that the president traveled 11 days before the debate, causing him to - by his own words - say he "nearly fall asleep" at said debate.


Speaking at a campaign event in McLean, Virginia, on Tuesday evening, Biden admitted the debate against former President Donald Trump, his Republican rival, did not go well.
“I didn’t have my best night, but the fact is that you know, I wasn’t very smart," Biden said, speaking at the campaign fundraiser without the aid of a teleprompter. "I decided to travel around the world a couple times, going through around 100 time zones ... before ... the debate.

"Didn’t listen to my staff and came back and nearly fell asleep on stage," he said. "That's no excuse but it is an explanation.”
Is that a man who is fit for the presidency, let alone four more years of it?

Edit (to substantiate cognitive test):
Biden told ABC News that he hasn’t had a cognitive or neurological test, and declines to undergo any medical assessment. "If the Lord Almighty said get out of the race, I’d get out of the race. The Lord Almighty’s not coming down,” he said.
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Ars Legatus Legionis
Joe Biden accidentally says he is the 'first Black woman' to serve in White House – audio

I don't want to commit a link & run, but this title speaks for itself... poor guy. He's going to lose all dignity by the time he's either taken off the ticket, removed by the 25th, or removed after losing to Trump. He could have left on a high note.

My guess is that the people around him are pushing him to run and denying the obvious reality, because they know they will lose power even under a different Democratic administration. And if Biden isn't always "there," he's easier to influence...
It would be an historic betrayal of AA voters if Harris didn’t get the nomination - therefore, it makes the most sense for Biden to resign, Harris is sworn in, and becomes the first African American Female POTUS. —— imagine the ratings coup! Overnight, focus would shift from an ailing and confused Biden POTUS….to a newly energized, much younger individual.

Most importantly, Harris is already VETTED. The media have already dug up all the skeletons in her closet years ago. There are no surprizes with a Harris POTUS. Sure, most American’s probably don’t know much about her, but that gives her an opportunity to introduce herself to them. Harris would hit the campaign trail and work it every day until election day. She would raise billions and break records with her stamina for campaigning.

We are in 2024, didn’t we all think the USA would get a female POTUS, an AA no less, by now? (Not forgetting sci-fi, or other popular dramas).

#KHive activate!
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Made in Hurry

Ars Praefectus
And yet the news isn't wall to wall about Trump's mental decline, his criminality, his unwillingness to accept democracy, his corruption, his incompetence, etc etc etc.

Strange isn't it.

Biden has a bad debate and people freak the fuck out. Trump egged on an insurrection (and had a debate where he couldn't answer a single question) and crickets.
I read an article over here in Norway about Trump, and the messaging basically is that we do not believe the US population is insane enough to elect Trump, so his ramblings are more or less ignored and brushed under the carpet. His campaign is such that no one really takes him or the chances of him actually winning seriously, but as long as the Democrats are doing a Weekend at Biden's, we are looking at this from our side of the world in horror of that it actually might come true. Still, no one believe that Trump is going to do what he says he is going to do, and our mouths are also now open.

The glaring omission i have noticed as well over here and in the news generally is that no one seems to have an idea what Biden is going to do other than making sure that Trump doesn't win.
The glaring omission i have noticed as well over here and in the news generally is that no one seems to have an idea what Biden is going to do other than making sure that Trump doesn't win.

One thing to remember. ”National polls“ in the US are virtually meaningless. It’s all about a couple swing states. The DEMS have to win PA/MI/WI, that’s the election. If they lose either Pennsylvania or Michigan, it makes it VERY difficult to get to 270.

The election will most likely be decided by as few as 40,000 votes. (Like last time)
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Jesus. F*cking. Christ. I was finally able to watch bits of the Stephanopoulos interview.

What in the f*ck did I just watch? That was abysmal. Given the fact that interview wasn't live, I think it was even worse than his debate performance.

I'm convinced of one thing for certain. Joe Biden is a transdimensional traveler. Because the person in that interview isn't from our plane of reality. One other thing is certain as well. Joe Biden is clearly surrounded by sycophants and yesmen, which is supposed to be the exclusive domain of the other guy.
And yet the news isn't wall to wall about Trump's mental decline, his criminality, his unwillingness to accept democracy, his corruption, his incompetence, etc etc etc.

Strange isn't it.
huh is this your first time learning about Trump. Trump lying, ranting, rambling etc is just par for the course, to me it would of been more newsworthy if Trump didn’t lie. Part of the word news implies ‘new’, for us that follow the news this is not new information. Not to mention that the news sites I read all mentioned all the Trump lies during the debate. Perhaps you need to look for better news sources?
Joe Biden accidentally says he is the 'first Black woman' to serve in White House – audio

I don't want to commit a link & run, but this title speaks for itself... poor guy. He's going to lose all dignity by the time he's either taken off the ticket, removed by the 25th, or removed after losing to Trump. He could have left on a high note.

My guess is that the people around him are pushing him to run and denying the obvious reality, because they know they will lose power even under a different Democratic administration. And if Biden isn't always "there," he's easier to influence...
To be fair, Biden obviously doesn't think that he's the first Black woman in these offices - but he's mixing multiple thought with his speech, again:
  • Black woman SCOTUS justice
  • Black woman VP
  • VP to Black president
The NATO event could be interesting...
One thing to remember. ”National polls“ in the US are virtually meaningless. It’s all about a couple swing states. The DEMS have to win PA/MI/WI, that’s the election. If they lose either Pennsylvania or Michigan, it makes it VERY difficult to get to 270.

The election will most likely be decided by as few as 40,000 votes. (Like last time)
I would say that national polling is indicative, though. If Biden is running 12 points behind 2020 nationally, you would expect his swing states to be a bloodbath. Which we are seeing.
I read an article over here in Norway about Trump, and the messaging basically is that we do not believe the US population is insane enough to elect Trump, so his ramblings are more or less ignored and brushed under the carpet. His campaign is such that no one really takes him or the chances of him actually winning seriously, but as long as the Democrats are doing a Weekend at Biden's, we are looking at this from our side of the world in horror of that it actually might come true. Still, no one believe that Trump is going to do what he says he is going to do, and our mouths are also now open.

The glaring omission i have noticed as well over here and in the news generally is that no one seems to have an idea what Biden is going to do other than making sure that Trump doesn't win.
Norway has a pretty good grasp of the race.

Biden's team believed that focusing on Trump's deficiencies exclusively was optimal for an unpopular incumbent - hard to run on the things you failed to do last time. But it also makes for a slog of a race where enthusiasm is tough to elicit. Trump's people are very enthusiastic: they want to grab the reigns with fewer safeguards.
It would be an historic betrayal of AA voters if Harris didn’t get the nomination - therefore, it makes the most sense for Biden to resign, Harris is sworn in, and becomes the first African American Female POTUS. —— imagine the ratings coup! Overnight, focus would shift from an ailing and confused Biden POTUS….to a newly energized, much younger individual.

Most importantly, Harris is already VETTED. The media have already dug up all the skeletons in her closet years ago. There are no surprizes with a Harris POTUS. Sure, most American’s probably don’t know much about her, but that gives her an opportunity to introduce herself to them. Harris would hit the campaign trail and work it every day until election day. She would raise billions and break records with her stamina for campaigning.

We are in 2024, didn’t we all think the USA would get a female POTUS, an AA no less, by now? (Not forgetting sci-fi, or other popular dramas).

#KHive activate!
Black Americans completely ignored Harris in 2020, and not a single one that I've spoken to about the election (admittedly in my blue coastal enclave) prioritize tokenism over beating that goddamn Donald Trump. Harris is a known quantity - a weak campaigner who hasn't used her office to boost her profile. At the very best, she's a literal "anyone but Biden" candidate.
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Ars Tribunus Militum
huh is this your first time learning about Trump. Trump lying, ranting, rambling etc is just par for the course, to me it would of been more newsworthy if Trump didn’t lie. Part of the word news implies ‘new’, for us that follow the news this is not new information. Not to mention that the news sites I read all mentioned all the Trump lies during the debate. Perhaps you need to look for better news sources?
Typical. There is a lot of 'Trump (and Republicans) is lying as usual.', 'This is not news-worthy. Neither is is wanting to literally purge his enemies, wanting to be a dictator, or any of his Project 2025 wishlist." and "Trump is showing signs of having mental issues and is old. Boring" going around as usual. The only thing you did not say was that talking up Project 2025 was fear-mongering exaggerations.

Meanwhile the media is all in on Biden's age and ignoring any actual achievements or any other news at all. Sort of like "Her Emails!" or "His Birth Certificate!" As a reminder here are images of what people heard about the two 2016 candidates. I wonder what the current word clouds will look like. Source Gallup Sept. 2016 article You should be able to identify which belongs to which.



Ars Tribunus Militum
And just to circle back to to the topic of Kamala Harris continuing to be Veep. Anyone here remember Danforth "Potato(e)" "One Heartbeat Away" Quayle, HW Bush's Veep? I know I'm dating myself here. Liberals and late-night comedians joked that the only reason reason he was chosen was to keep the Bush I presidency safe from assassination. He literally exemplified the idea that the bare minimum needed for Vice Presidency was breathing. Once he was nominated, elected, and sworn in, nobody ever suggested that he step down to help HW Bush at any point.

And yet commentators on the left and the seeming center are tripping over themselves to put forward that Harris must go because of her "lack of qualifications." (As XTwitter group known as 'Black Twitter' says "Biden's Age is an issue because of Harris's Gender and Skin Color".)
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Ars Legatus Legionis
And just to circle back to to the topic of Kamala Harris continuing to be Veep. Anyone here remember Danforth "Potato(e)" "One Heartbeat Away" Quayle, HW Bush's Veep? I know I'm dating myself here. Liberals and late-night comedians joked that the only reason reason he was chosen was to keep the Bush I presidency safe from assassination. He literally exemplified the idea that the bare minimum needed for Vice Presidency was breathing. Once he was nominated, elected, and sworn in, nobody ever suggested that he step down to help HW Bush at any point.

And yet commentators on the left and the seeming center are tripping over themselves to put forward that Harris must go because of her "lack of qualifications." (As XTwitter group known as 'Black Twitter' says "Biden's Age is an issue because of Harris's Gender and Skin Color".)

No one seriously suggested George HW Bush step down as the 1992 Republican candidate due to mental decline at any point, did they? No one's currently suggesting not-Harris to help Biden because he doesn't need the help.


Ars Praefectus
Black Americans completely ignored Harris in 2020, and not a single one that I've spoken to about the election (admittedly in my blue coastal enclave) prioritize tokenism over beating that goddamn Donald Trump. Harris is a known quantity - a weak campaigner who hasn't used her office to boost her profile. At the very best, she's a literal "anyone but Biden" candidate.
The Ezra Klein show‘s most recent podcast was on Kamala Harris being underrated. One of the points is that one or two weeks after she would likely see a big jump in popularity just for being new and not one of those old guys.
The Ezra Klein show‘s most recent podcast was on Kamala Harris being underrated. One of the points is that one or two weeks after she would likely see a big jump in popularity just for being new and not one of those old guys.
I think any replacement Democrat would get a nice bump by not being 1,000 years old and feeble. The press would also flood her with a chance to share her voice that has been hidden for four years. I just worry that Harris will carry the Biden administration baggage as well as reprise her role as a weak campaigner. Ideally, the candidate would make a clean break from Biden's record and articulate something exciting for the future.

That said, if the limits of Democratic aggressiveness is Harris, then Harris is a step up. It just feels like a half-measure.


Ars Legatus Legionis
Why do I get the sense that a shiny new upstart may be just what is needed to shake up the established behemoths who will offer nothing new?

It’s almost like a new type of product or service hitting the market, for which the established players won’t have an answer for?
That's how we got President Donald Trump.


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
Why do I get the sense that a shiny new upstart may be just what is needed to shake up the established behemoths who will offer nothing new?

It’s almost like a new type of product or service hitting the market, for which the established players won’t have an answer for?

I worry that we will get new coke.
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Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
That's how we got President Donald Trump.
Yes—and it should have been a wake-up call. Clinton ran as the establishment candidate, and Trump beat out the Republican establishment. Biden is representing the old political establishment, and it’s currently not polling all too well, cognitive issues aside. A different and younger democratic challenger could flip the script on Trump and play him as the angry old man with no new ideas to offer.


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
Ironically, the New Coke debacle was largely due to improper consumer testing and strategy. If a switch does happen here, hopefully these cardinal mistakes won't be made.

We are at 11 hours. We need to pull the pull trigger soon if we ever want to do it. I expect talking point about the replacement is “not elected” and “not experienced”.
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We are at 11 hours. We need to pull the pull trigger soon if we ever want to do it. I expect talking point about the replacement is not “elected” and “not experienced”.
Is that worse than talking points about how the existing option is "not cognizant" and "unavailable after 8pm?" Our baseline is a really bad spot, and alternative risks have to measured in that context.
I found the Friday interview disturbing and pretty much indicates he is not leaving.

Biden is not going to step down and he will tighten his grip on the baton with every passing day. He will continue to get isolated from the rest of the world with the help of friends/family/innercircle. They will continue to push him to stay and he is in a mental state where he will not make the right decision.

I predict Biden will stay and the next few months will be a disaster, not only will Trump win but democrats will lose a large number of seats. This will be 1933 all over again but in the 21st century US.


Ars Tribunus Militum
I found the Friday interview disturbing and pretty much indicates he is not leaving.

Biden is not going to step down and he will tighten his grip on the baton with every passing day. He will continue to get isolated from the rest of the world with the help of friends/family/innercircle. They will continue to push him to stay and he is in a mental state where he will not make the right decision.

I predict Biden will stay and the next few months will be a disaster, not only will Trump win but democrats will lose a large number of seats. This will be 1933 all over again but in the 21st century US.
I was going to write something similar. That interview convinced me that a) he should drop out because he is going to lose horribly but b) he won't without unprecedented intervention. And it's going to cause so much harm. "Democracy is stake" but as long as Biden can say he "gave it my all" he'll die content while we deal with the consequences of his hubris...I get why youth are so angry at the Silent Generation and Boomers.


Ars Legatus Legionis
It would be an historic betrayal of AA voters if Harris didn’t get the nomination - therefore, it makes the most sense for Biden to resign, Harris is sworn in, and becomes the first African American Female POTUS. —— imagine the ratings coup! Overnight, focus would shift from an ailing and confused Biden POTUS….to a newly energized, much younger individual.

Most importantly, Harris is already VETTED. The media have already dug up all the skeletons in her closet years ago. There are no surprizes with a Harris POTUS. Sure, most American’s probably don’t know much about her, but that gives her an opportunity to introduce herself to them. Harris would hit the campaign trail and work it every day until election day. She would raise billions and break records with her stamina for campaigning.

We are in 2024, didn’t we all think the USA would get a female POTUS, an AA no less, by now? (Not forgetting sci-fi, or other popular dramas).

#KHive activate!
Most AA voters are not super team Harris. She is also been pro-cop for a long time which definitely did not favor the changing tide of
I was going to write something similar. That interview convinced me that a) he should drop out because he is going to lose horribly but b) he won't without unprecedented intervention. And it's going to cause so much harm. "Democracy is stake" but as long as Biden can say he "gave it my all" he'll die content while we deal with the consequences of his hubris...I get why youth are so angry at the Silent Generation and Boomers.
And this is how democracy dies. It could have been prevented but Hubert’s took over. Similar to RBG not stepping down when it was most prudent and causing a seat to go conservative.
I found the Friday interview disturbing and pretty much indicates he is not leaving.

Biden is not going to step down and he will tighten his grip on the baton with every passing day. He will continue to get isolated from the rest of the world with the help of friends/family/innercircle. They will continue to push him to stay and he is in a mental state where he will not make the right decision.

I predict Biden will stay and the next few months will be a disaster, not only will Trump win but democrats will lose a large number of seats. This will be 1933 all over again but in the 21st century US.
The other thing it taught me is that Democrats, and least of all Biden (the one person who needs to believe it the most), don't actually believe their rhetoric about Trump & MAGA. If they did, then there's absolutely no way on God's Green Earth that they'd be so passé about it in practice. It's all just fundraising fodder for them. Full stop.

The only hope the US has to not take a permanent dive into an exciting new era of fascism is if Trump is taken out post haste by the Hamburglar AND the Democratic geriatrics shove off across the River Styx AND the next cohort of Democrats are resolute not to repeat the inane mistakes of their predecessors.
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