To help with climate change, carbon capture will have to evolve

The technologies are useful tools but have yet to move us away from fossil fuels.

How are these [carbon capture] technologies supposed to move us away from fossil fuels when the whole point of them is to make using fossil fuels "cleaner," thus encouraging their continued usage?
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U.S. Appropriations FY2025: The Power of the Purse Unhinged - Early Days

First, I am so very sorry I forgot to post all the links for Agriculture. :(
I'm certain if ya'll have been following along, you'll be able to find the data yourself pretty easily.

And now, the last House bill. Thank freaking goodness. Remember this is snorkeling, not a deep dive.

Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies.
Colloquially known as THUD.

This from glancing over the summaries before I started, This is a heavily mixed bag. From some eyeroll worthy sniping and distractedly painful racism all the way to some honest-to-goodness bipartisan efforts to actually do some freaking good. It's VERY weird.

I will say this right up front: if at any time you assume there is an energy efficiency or climate related thing the Republicans can either remove from the bill entirely or 'none of these funds' into irrelevance, you will have them dead to the rights. Efficiency in fuel standards, better, more efficient, and climate change fighting energy rules and requirements for vehicles and housing projects, clean energy standards for urban development? All of it, either excised or prohibited from taking effect. I'm not going to cover them all, but you can safely assume that it's ALL there like that.

Appropriations Committee Press Releases:

Bill Text (initial):
Bill Report (initial):

Department of Transportation - A mixed bag. Some increases, some decreases. You'll see lots of stealing from future appropriations to pay for stuff through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

Discretionary funding: $25 billion. Less than FY24 ($1.86 billion) and the AdminFY25 ($336 million).
Highway Trust Fund.. funds: $81.5 billion

Added together, DoT sees a "marginal" increase of $306 million from FY24 levels, and is just shy of the AdminFY25 request.

Federal Aviation Administration: See's an increase of $1.6 billion over FY24, and falls just $15 million short of the Administration request. running through the Budget Line Items in the bill report? It is EXTREMELY close to what the Administration (and the FAA itself) requested. And it includes $667 million for expanding the air traffice controller workforce dramatically. Think 2000 people.

Commentary: Confession time! I've been running under the misconception that parts of the FAA were funded via mandatory means - THEY ARE NOT! They are AUTHORIZED in five year increments instead of annually, but they are still funded annually. Poo. Part of that confusion on my part is down to most Air Traffic Controllers being hired on as excepted personnel instead of competitive, but that's some real inside .gov employee baseball. They are also 'excepted' which means they have to work during a shutdown (with eventual back pay). I know how that feels.... ANYWAY!

This is one of those ultra rare bipartisan "wins" in all of the negotiations. Don't worry, normal service will resume in 3...2....1...

They also cut out any DEI offices, climate change offices/initiatives, and electrification of vehicles. Saves them $7 million.

Commentary: Knew it was too good to last. And it continues...

Amtrak: Down (FY24) and down (AdminFY25). Pretty dramatically, with some extraordinary shortfalls for grants meant to flesh out/maintain the Amtrak network. Which is crap now. That's not a piece of commentary. 'Tis fact. We suck at passenger rail.

Federal Railroad Administration: Down (FY24) and down (AdminFY25).
They increase Safety and Operations budget by $20 million over FY24, but also cut $8 million from safety research. They also eliminate the "Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger rail". Which seems pretty important, from the DoT website of the program! We suck at passenger rail.

Federal Transit Administration: Down (FY24) and down (AdminFY25). For Capital Invesetment Grants, the bill does use previously unallocated funds from FY24 and advance appropriations (stealing from FY26) to continue currently ongoing or 'ready for construction' during FY25. However, it cuts the amount of new funding fairly dramatically, which Democrats point out prevents any NEW projects from being started.

Federal Highway Administration: $61.3 billion from the Highway Trust Fund.

Maritime Administration: Down (FY24) and down (AdminFY25).

Safety Agencies:
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration: Down/Down
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: Up (FY24) / Down (AdminFY25)
Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration: Up (FY24) / Down (AdminFY25)

Commentary: I honestly didn't know that last one fell under DoT! Today I learned.

Department of Housing and Urban Development - This is an even harsher mixed bag. To the point where the summaries disagree with the top line numbers. I'll use the Republican provided values - they're worse.

Discretionary funding: $64.8 billion, less than FY24 by $5.2 billion. It's also UP on the AdminFY25 request by $568 million.\
Commentary: I had to dig into the bill report to find that data too - neither the Republicans nor the Democrats apparently wanted to comment on that. But there you go. How is that for freaking weird? The Democrats focus on the details on a wide variety of HUD issues, but not the overall numbers. Republicans present the details in a very straight fashion - no real comparisons for any component of the department with the AdminFY25 request, and very few mentions of comparisons to FY24 levels.

So, what is good in here?

Section 8 - from the Democrat Summary (the GOP summary is less informative in these areas):
$32.2 billion for the Section 8 voucher program to continue to serve more than 2.3 million very low- and extremely low-income households nationwide, and $16.6 billion for Project-based Section 8 to continue to house more than 1.2 million very low- and low-income households nationwide.
These numbers match AdminFY25

Housing For The Elderly and Housing For Persons With Disabilities - from the Democrat Summary:
An additional $931 million is provided for Housing for the Elderly, to continue supportive services and affordable housing assistance for low-income seniors, equal to the President’s fiscal year 2025 request and $257 million for Housing for Persons with Disabilities to continue affordable housing assistance for persons with disabilities, equal to the President’s fiscal year 2025 request.

Homeless Assistance Grants and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS both receive funding up to the AdminFY25 request level.

Native American Programs: Up on FY24 by $112 million (8%!).

Commentary: Everything else is either a heavily weighted mixed bag or is a straight up cut.

From the Democrat summary:
Guts the sole Federal program dedicated to new affordable rental and homeownership housing construction by 60 percent, cutting the HOME program from $1.25 billion to a mere $500 million, despite a 12 percent increase in homelessness nationally.

Public Housing: Down and Down
Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant: Eliminated
Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity: Equal to FY24, Down to AdminFY25.

Democrats state the following:
$57.5 million for Housing Counseling assistance for renters, homeowners, and those considering homeownership but eliminates legal aid assistance for eviction prevention.
I can't find that last bit in the bill text or the report. I wonder if it was a bit of language that was in last years' bill that has disappeared....
Yep! Found it, and can confirm that this is NOT in this years' bill:"

From H.R. 4366, the first Mini-bus to pass in the spring.
Provided further, That an additional $20,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2026, shall be for competitive grants to nonprofit or governmental entities to provide legal assistance (including assistance related to pretrial activities, trial activities, post-trial activities and alternative dispute resolution) at no cost to eligible low-income tenants at risk of or subject to eviction:




Elon Musk calls for “criminal prosecution” of X ad boycott perpetrators

I don't see how it could ever be considered illegal to choose not to buy something. Doesn't matter why you chose not to. There are several companies who have made it on to my permanent blacklist for one reason or another and I will never buy a product from them again. I'm not out there spreading the word about how much I dislike them, I just refuse to ever give them my money.
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Apple will soon allow rival wallets to replace Apple Pay as default in EU

As with many other things that Apple users are concerned about with this Apple opening up on the EU, this has been a thing on Android forever, and we can take that as a real world example.

Also, even on Apple devices companies can already force you to use their app for passes, but they voluntarily choose to add support for Apple Wallet. I don't see why the new thing being NFC would incentivize them to stop doing that.

On Android, no financial institutions I know avoid Google Wallet in favor of their apps. I've had Amex, California Bank & Trust, Discover, BoA, Citi, Paypal, Cap One, Chase, Cash, Venmo cards on my G. Wallet, and none but Amex has the option to use NFC payments from their apps, and it's optional for it.

Businesses like hotels do make you use their app, but this is probably because hotel keys weren't supported until very recently. But with other things like airline boarding passes the widespread trend has been that you can both use the app, or add it to G Wallet, as I'm sure it's been on Apple devices.
Barclaycard in the UK does not support google pay. They used to force android users into using the Barclaycard app to make contactless payments, but they’ve even dropped support for that now.

Barclaycard uk does support Apple Pay, precisely because they can’t force iPhone users to use something else. And iPhone users are better off as a result.
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First “Miss AI” contest sparks ire for pushing unrealistic beauty standards

I want to dislike this, but I am pretty much down with anything that pulls more of the curtain back on the absurdity of "influencers" in general. I would gladly put a bounty on all human "influencers" and replace them with basic AI. I doubt many people would notice any significant change.
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Giant salamander fossils show early tetrapods survived longer than expected

ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn​

Every time you try to summon Cthulhu on the Ars comments section Condé Nast has to hire some poor traumatized private detective to go have the abyss stare back and there's only one of them listed as an approved vendor, Kent Doogan from Abilene.

He's so tired, you do this on every thread, Abilene is hundreds of miles from the sea, please stop
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The 2024 Presidential Election - Oops, We Did It Again

Yes, it is.

But let’s keep in mind that it is because we’re in the Worst Timeline and the alternative is Trump in Revenge Mode.

Once we clear this hurdle we can, and should, go back to normalcy as much as possible.

The fact that Trump has a realistic chance of winning means that your dream of "back to normalcy" is a dream.
Emporer Trump is the new normal.

Elon Musk calls for “criminal prosecution” of X ad boycott perpetrators

First few post seem to "trust in GARM" but has anyone watched the hearing and what daily wire list as them getting demonetized, like that Biden might not be in good mental health.

Don't you know that you are slaves of anyone you obey? You can be slaves of sin and die, or you can be obedient slaves of God and be acceptable to him.

I believe by controlling advertising dollars, GARM is "asking" you to obey.

Also funny that looking up GARM
GARM or garmr is a wolf or dog associated with both Hel and Ragnarök, and described as a blood-stained guardian of Hel's gate.
That makes about as much sense as numerology.
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Rocket Report: Firefly delivers for NASA; Polaris Dawn launching this month

That's a rare one. Vacuum Merlin is so reliable that once in orbit I tend to just assume the job is now done.
Indeed. Traditionally, something like this might halt flights for some time. I hope the upper-stage build records and flight telemetry provide solid clues to the failure.

And it's bad news that there may be a lot of extra orbital junk around, but the good news is that the perigee (NOT pedigree, thank you very much auto-correct) of all shrapnel should be low enough to ensure re-entry fairly soon.
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Elon Musk calls for “criminal prosecution” of X ad boycott perpetrators

First few post seem to "trust in GARM" but has anyone watched the hearing and what daily wire list as them getting demonetized, like that Biden might not be in good mental health.

Don't you know that you are slaves of anyone you obey? You can be slaves of sin and die, or you can be obedient slaves of God and be acceptable to him.

I believe by controlling advertising dollars, GARM is "asking" you to obey.

Also funny that looking up GARM
GARM or garmr is a wolf or dog associated with both Hel and Ragnarök, and described as a blood-stained guardian of Hel's gate.
As a Norse Pagan who prays to Hel to watch over my loved ones in her care every year, the idea of Garm having that meaning doesn't bother me.
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The 2024 Presidential Election - Oops, We Did It Again

Hah, yeah, choice gaffe. Shame it's so quotable, because that's the sort of gaffe I find highly relatable so I don't hold it against him. Some brains just do that.

It's unfortunate because Biden gave a great press conference overall but made a couple of gaffes that will dominate the media cycle, as if public speaking was even 5% of what actually matters in the job. Then after another two weeks of character assassination by the media, Biden will drop a point or two in the polls, kicking off another media frenzy about his "unpopularity".

If Biden were actually unable to perform his duties he'd have been Article 25'ed. He hasn't. If he is, Kamala is right there. I wish the pundit echo chamber would get a grip, but no, there's ratings and clicks to be had, and fuck democracy.

Elon Musk calls for “criminal prosecution” of X ad boycott perpetrators

First few post seem to "trust in GARM" but has anyone watched the hearing and what daily wire list as them getting demonetized, like that Biden might not be in good mental health.

Don't you know that you are slaves of anyone you obey? You can be slaves of sin and die, or you can be obedient slaves of God and be acceptable to him.

I believe by controlling advertising dollars, GARM is "asking" you to obey.

Also funny that looking up GARM
GARM or garmr is a wolf or dog associated with both Hel and Ragnarök, and described as a blood-stained guardian of Hel's gate.

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DVDs are dying right as streaming has made them appealing again

It was hard to justify the purchase and using a DVD player these days is a disappointing and primitive UX, but if you have a good AV system 4K UHD Blu-ray releases really are amazing. I wouldn't have believed it until I saw it for myself but you get many times the bitrate of even the highest quality streaming platforms on a big connection. For some of the new content that's shot in 4K or old film releases that get well done 4K remasters, it's not a bad piece of gear to have for a handful of favorites or the occasional obscure film or cult classic that isn't available on a streaming platform.
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DVDs are dying right as streaming has made them appealing again

The DVD isn't just better because you actually own something tangible after you pay your money. They are better because they also (usually) contain a lot of other material which is never included with the streaming versions. Interviews with the actors, directors, and others, a blooper reel, alternate scenes, the trailers, sometimes alternate versions or the same version with director's comments throughout. As far as I can tell this material will not be made and essentially lost forever on a streaming only distribution.

This is the other huge reason why I prefer discs to streaming. I love all the special features (especially the ones that are present on the discs made by the better distribution companies like Criterion and Kino Lorber).
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Europe’s first Ariane 6 flight achieved most of its goals, but ended prematurely

I mean, the Nazis and the Soviets invaded, and while that kicked off WWII, their British and French allies didn't actually do much to defend Poland and mostly just let it fall, and tried to keep the Nazis from spreading further.

And then, after the war, the Soviets promised free and fair elections under the Yalta agreement, and, when that didn't happen, the West didn't actually do much to enforce Yalta, and then formed NATO mostly to stop the Soviets from spreading further.

If I'm Poland, I might be thinking "Fool me thrice, shame on me."
True enough. Even if the people who made these decisions haven't even been born back then, I suppose there is such a thing as "national trauma".

It rankles the idealist in me that it shouldn't be seen as necessary, and I remain suspicious regarding the choice to buy Korean rather than US/EU -- but you make a good argument that helps me understand what a lot of Poles must think. Cheers!
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DVDs are dying right as streaming has made them appealing again

Physical media allow those who purchase, for all intents and purposes, 'own it' for their own personal use.

The big companies running Hollywood, when given the chance (as streaming does)...will always vote in favor of delivery content systems that enable them to retain control of their product (and the revenue it generates).
People just go for convenience - so they don't bux physical media.
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