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Today, Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX), Lead Republican for the House Appropriations Committee, delivered the following remarks on the fiscal year 2021 appropriations package and additional coronavirus relief.

"Mister Speaker, I rise today in support of this bill that will provide funding for the Federal Government through the end of this fiscal year, as well as provide another round of desperately needed relief for those affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
| Statements

Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of H.R. 8900 – a continuing resolution that will fund the government through December 18th.

Members of the Appropriations Committee have been negotiating night and day for weeks to reach agreement on full-year appropriations bills.

At the same time, House and Senate leaders continue to discuss a coronavirus relief package with the Administration.

It is my hope that we can complete both of these important pieces of legislation as soon as possible.

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WASHINGTON - Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX) issued the following statement after being reelected by Members of the House Republican Steering Committee to serve as Lead Republican of the House Appropriations Committee.

"It is an honor to have served on the Committee for more than two decades now, and I am once again humbled by the support of my colleagues to continue serving as the Committee's Lead Republican.

| Press Release

WASHINGTON - Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX), Lead Republican for the House Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement after the House passed yet another partisan coronavirus relief bill forced by Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats.

"Our nation has relied on the actions of Congress and the Administration to weather this pandemic. Up to this point, four bipartisan relief bills have been signed into law, but today that spirit of bipartisanship was abandoned by Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats.

| Press Release

Mister Speaker, I rise today in opposition to this bill.

Unfortunately, by considering this bill today we are abandoning the spirit of bipartisanship that has allowed us to work across the aisle four times this year to pass critical coronavirus relief legislation.

This bill was crafted without input from Members on our side of the aisle, and it does not have the support needed to pass the Senate or be signed by the President.

There are some things included that I support, such as –

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