Alumni Groups

The MIT Alumni Association wants to connect you with groups that speak to who you are, what you care about, and what matters to you most. Get started with those listed below—and if you have ideas for other groups around shared interests, click here for the "Criteria for Clubs, Groups and Area Representatives."

Get Involved

Learn more about joining or starting a group based on shared interests and affinities.

Group Website

Patrick Downey SM ‘20; Chris Whittier SM ‘19; Co-Presidents

The Alumni Association of the Center for Real Estate (AACRE) is an all-volunteer organization representing and promoting the alumni community of the MIT Center for Real Estate. Established in 1985, the Center was the first graduate program in the world to offer the master's of science in real estate development (MSRED) degree and currently counts more than 900 accomplished professionals in more than 22 countries as alumni.

The AACRE is responsible for supporting alumni and current students through events, competitions, and initiatives, which include the annual Spring Symposium, the Graduate Case Competition, brown bag lunches with industry leaders, and regular social gatherings.

Alumni Association of the Center for Real Estate (AACRE) Website

Been a while since you heard from that Sigma Chi brother or Alpha Chi Omega sister? Find yourself wanting to connect with old Student House friends? Living group bonds needn't dissolve upon graduation; in fact, many alumni discover they last a lifetime. All it takes is a desire to connect.

The Association for Independent Living Groups (AILG) consists of alumni volunteers who help link student and alumni FSILG culture.

Association of Independent Living Groups (AILG) Website

Anya Brickman Raredon MCP ’11, President

The Association of MIT Alumnae (AMITA) is dedicated to providing a means for former women students to maintain contact with each other and with MIT. It also supports current women students by enabling them to meet and talk with alumnae at campus events. AMITA hosts a variety of activities around the U.S., affording alumnae opportunities to stay in touch and informed about issues and developments relevant to their lives.

Association of MIT Alumnae (AMITA) Website

Patrick Gerdes '84, Chair

Black Alumni of MIT (BAMIT) is a vibrant collective of diverse, creative, and mission-driven MIT alumni who are dedicated to empowering the next generation of diverse leaders and change agents. BAMIT's mission is to support the professional and personal development of the black community at MIT–with a special focus on the recruitment, development, and successful graduation of black undergraduate and graduate students–and to amplify the collective voice of all black alumni who are committed to leadership, innovation, and positive social transformation.

Black Alumni of MIT (BAMIT) Website

Lizzie Army, MIT Alumni Association

Today, the Cardinal & Gray Society serves to gather MIT alumni who have passed their 50th reunion for social and intellectual events between their five-year reunion festivities.

Cardinal & Gray Society Website

Lizzie Army, MIT Alumni Association


In 1989, at the invitation of MIT, a dedicated committee of widows of alumni and faculty began exploring ways to form an outreach group for the bereaved, with the goal of helping spouses continue to feel welcome at the Institute. What is known today as the Emma Rogers Society (ERS) is the direct result of those discussions.

Named for the wife of MIT’s founder, William Barton Rogers, who passed away while he was president of MIT, ERS provides widows and widowers of alumni, faculty, and staff with a way to stay connected to the Institute in their own right.

Emma Rogers Society Website

Sarah Simon '72

The mission of the Energy, Environment, and Sustainability Network (EESN) is to inform alumni about and enable them to collaborate in finding solutions for the complex energy and environmental challenges that must be resolved to create a sustainable future. The Network serves to:

  • Connect MIT alumni and students for sharing knowledge, skills, and experience;
  • Develop and support web-based and local program events;
  • Regularly communicate EES information; and
  • Support efforts to develop cleaner and more efficient technologies and systems needed for a sustainable, thriving future.

Energy, Environment, and Sustainability Network (EESN) Website

Christian Cardozo '17, MNG '18, Chair

The Alumni Group of the Experimental Study Group (ESG) is a voluntary organization of MIT alumni whose mission is to

  • Maintain and strengthen connections between ESG alumni, staff, and students;
  • Collaborate with the MIT Alumni Association in carrying out the Association’s mission of connecting MIT alumni with one another and to the Institute;
  • Provide a communications link between alumni and MIT for a maximum flow of ideas, information, and services;
  • Encourage alumni in financial support of MIT, broad participation in alumni activities, and alumni involvement in MIT-related volunteer activities;
  • Cooperate with MIT in recruiting students and promoting its reputation.

Experimental Study Group (ESG) Website

Paul J Martin MCP ’01, President

The First Generation Alumni of MIT brings together alumni who are the first in their generation to attend college, to network and support each other and provide programs and systems to guide first generation MIT students for success.

First Generation Alumni of MIT Website

Aaron Ashley ‘16

Indigenous Alumni of MIT (IAMIT) are those alumni who self-select as American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, First Nations and other indigenous peoples of North America.

Indigenous Alumni of MIT (IAMIT) Website

Daniel Gonzalez '20

Latino/a Alumni of MIT (LAMIT) gathers all MIT alumni who are of Latino/a descent, either having been born in Iberoamerica (Central and South America, Spain and Portugal), or born elsewhere of a Latino/a heritage.

Latino/a Alumni of MIT (LAMIT) Website

MIT Legislative Advocacy Network engages MIT alumni/ae and friends who have an interest in promoting policies that advance the Institute’s commitment to education, research, and innovation.
Join the email list to stay up to date on legislative advocacy opportunities. (Infinite Connection credentials required.) 

Asoka Veeravagu, LGOAA President

The Leader of Global Operations Alumni Association was created to maintain strong, sustainable ties amongst the LGO alumni, students, staff and other LGO program stakeholders and collaborate with the Sloan and MIT administration, Alumni Association to connect the LGO Alumni with the greater MIT community.

LGO Alumni Association Website

MIT Alumnx Pride (formally BGLATA) is an organization dedicated to an equitable world in which LGBTQ+ alumni, students, staff, and faculty can live authentically, connect through our shared affinity for MIT, and enjoy full inclusion and belonging within our respective fields. MIT Alumnx Pride’s mission is to harness the acumen, resources, and influence of MIT’s LGBTQ+ alumni to advance equity and belonging at the Institute, in STEM fields, and within the broader society for our community.

MIT Alumnx Pride Website

Ali El Amrani MNG '07, President

The MIT Arab Alumni Association's (MIT AAA) vision is an Arab world in which its people are creative, productive, prosperous, healthy, and contributing to the highest interests of humanity. It’s mission is to bring MIT's rigor and opportunities to the Arab world, and to bring the Arab world's talent and energy to MIT, through the following strategic objectives:

  • Promote MIT’s presence in the Arab world through different events, programs, and initiatives.
  • Increase the level of involvement and influence of the Arab world at MIT.
  • Offer educational opportunities to the Arab leaders of tomorrow.
  • Leverage and enhance the strength of the MIT Arab alumni network across the globe.
  • Empower and facilitate the establishment of local MIT clubs.

MIT Arab Alumni Association (MIT AAA) Website

Emily Huang MArch ’91 and Jose Guillermo Frontado M.Arch A.S. ’80

The MIT Architecture Alumni affinity group, MITArchA, was formed in 2015 and is open to all MIT architecture alumni undergraduate and graduate alumni, current students, and friends. MITArchA is a forum to bring our common background in architecture at MIT together, to connect with each other, current students and faculty, the School of Architecture and Planning, and the Institute at large. 

MIT Architecture Alumni (MITArchA) Website

Humphrey Chen ‘90, President

The MIT Chinese Alumni Group is open to MIT alumni/ae who have an active Infinite Connection account and self-identify as being of Chinese descent or heritage and those who are supportive of Chinese community and culture.

MIT Chinese Alumni Group Website

John Miller '05, President

The mission of the MIT Crew Alumni Association is to

  • Encourage the maintenance of the crew program at the highest possible level of excellence, no less than its traditional competitors;
  • Provide financial support and inspiration toward that end;
  • Provide the means for alumni to retain a close relationship with the crew program, their crewmates, and current student-athletes.

MIT Crew Alumni Association (MITCAA) Website

Reshma Patel ‘93, President

The MIT South Asia Alumni Association was founded in 2006 to serve the needs of the MIT South Asian community both at the national and international level, with focus on MIT’s South Asian alumni, students, prospective students, faculty, staff, researchers and South Asian-related affinity groups, including but not limited to national and international geographically-based MIT clubs. South Asian alumni are defined as individuals who are either from or identify themselves as from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

MIT South Asian Alumni Association (MITSAAA) Website

The MIT10 community includes all MIT undergraduate alumni who have graduated in the past decade. MIT10 alumni often have special access to opportunities for networking, philanthropy, volunteering, and socializing to help smooth the transition into that new life phase.

MIT10 Young Alumni Website

The MIT Social Entrepreneurship Alumni Group was formed in December 2019 to develop and sponsor activities for the MIT community to foster, nurture and spotlight social enterprises that are intentionally working towards building a better world.    

Social Entrepreneurship Alumni Group Website