
Credit Karma Tax

Credit Karma Inc.(Free)

User rating

The free financial app, Credit Karma, allows users to better manage and understand their credit. It’s a popular choice too, with more than 40 million people from all over the world signed up. Credit Karma boasts an array of far-reaching and diverse features, allowing the most complex and frustrating of financial tasks to be made easier.

So, whether you’re looking to work out your credit score or apply for a mortgage or loan, Credit Karma has you covered. By using this slick app you will be able to easily view your credit scores, while seeing how they compare to the national average. TransUnion and Equifax reports can also be viewed too.

Moreover, this web app allows you to file for state and federal tax returns. Don’t worry, it will offer expert assistance through live chat. This only enhances Credit Karma’s user-friendly and clean interface, making it seamless for you to get the most out of this multifunctioning digital solution.


Is Credit Karma Safe?This app can help you prevent identity theft. It will let you know right away if there has been a data breach that compromises your personal information. What’s more? It will also offer advice on what to do. Meanwhile, it also makes sure that your credit reports are as accurate as possible, while allowing you to monitor and check for errors.

Personalised experienceCredit Karma’s reports can provide you with special access to payment history, derogatory remarks, credit inquiries, debt utilisation and other information. You can also look at personalised credit recommendations, based on the relevant information on your profile.

PricingFortunately, it is free to download and use. You are not asked, during the signup process, for any credit card information. However, for the service to work, you will have to provide some personal information. This will include the last four digits of your social security number, your date of birth and the answers to some personal questions.

Bottom LineThis web app gives you your credit report and score in a simple and informative way, within two credit-reporting bureaus. The free mobile finance app goes a long way to cut out the stress and frustration often experienced when taking on these financial tasks.



Credit Karma Tax for Web Apps
  • Chrome,
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  • Internet Explorer,
  • Opera
Available languages:
  • English,
  • German,
  • Spanish,
  • French,
  • Italian,
  • Japanese,
  • Polish,
  • Chinese
Latest update:
Saturday, January 1st 2000
Credit Karma Inc.

Credit Karma Tax

Credit Karma Inc.(Free)

User rating


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