
Vidmore DVD Monster for Mac


vidmore(Trial version)

User rating

Free DVD ripper for Mac

Vidmore DVD Monster is a free DVD-copying application for Mac devices where you can rip a disc’s contents. Like MacX DVD Ripper Pro and Voilabits DVDRipper, the app has several advanced functions. You can edit the contents or create ISO images to play the movie or game. Unfortunately, most of the beneficial tools are hidden behind a paywall.

Another significant benefit is that you can remove portions of a video to add to a new one. You can also edit and add tracks, making the content unique. If you want the soundtracks, you can extract them to your PC and move them to your mobile device.

Rip content to your Mac

The primary function of Vidmore DVD Monster is to extract files from a DVD and move them to a computer for safe-keeping. You can also execute games or play movies, depending on how the format was compiled. In many instances, you may need to develop an ISO image to run it from a virtual drive.


Choose your format

One of Vidmore DVD Monster’s advantages is that you can convert one format into several. It doesn’t matter what type the original content is, as you can rip it into any compatible format. Some of the available formats include MOV, WMV and MP4.

Design your video

There’s an editing component to Vidmore DVD Monster that provides you with several tools. You can add a menu with text, images and also sound, which is easy with the gorgeous interface. No one will recognize the new content anymore, and it’s massively helpful when you’re making a video from event recordings.

Fast speed, no loss in quality

Of course, you don’t want to wait forever while ripping a DVD. The application uses GPU acceleration to speed up the process three times faster than industry standards. There’s also advanced coding that ensures a copying ratio of 1:1 to retain the quality.

Craft your new video

Vidmore DVD Monster is an excellent choice for anyone who needs to copy DVD content to their Mac device for later usage. You can either store it securely, make some changes, or play it via an ISO image on a virtual drive. While the initial download is free, you’ll need to pay for a subscription for advanced features.



Vidmore DVD Monster 1.2.12 for Mac
  • Mac OS X
Available languages:
  • English,
  • Spanish,
  • German,
  • French,
  • Italian,
  • Russian,
  • Portuguese,
  • Dutch,
  • Polish,
  • Chinese,
  • Turkish,
  • Arabic,
  • Korean,
  • Japanese,
  • Swedish
Trial version
Latest update:
Wednesday, July 7th 2021


Also available in other platforms

Vidmore DVD Monster for Mac


vidmore(Trial version)

User rating


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