
Remote PC for Mac


IDrive Inc.(Free)

User rating

Free remote access for Mac

Remote PC is a free remote access tool like VNC Viewer and TeamViewer that lets you or your colleagues access your Mac from a different location. If you’re in a meeting or at a different site, you can quickly log on and go through your files. It’s almost like accessing the cloud, but instead, you’ll be able to execute apps on your PC.

These types of programs are handy when you own a company, and your IT team needs to access employee machines to resolve macOS or network issues. However, there’s a subscription price if you want to install it and utilize the top features. The free demo has limited tools available.

Access to PC any time

With the internet available, you’ll be able to access your Mac device 24/7 as long as there is power at the location. You’ll also need a secure ID, which you can share with your colleagues. Depending on which plan you have, you can add as many PCs to the platform.


Secure file transfers

You won’t have to worry about any unauthorized access. Remote PC has TLS v 1.2/AES-256 security measures in place so that hackers can’t steal your information or files. You can also add passwords and personal keys for added protection if you need to.

Top functions

There’s little you can’t do with Remote Access to your Mac device. Feel free to play songs, send files, chat, play games, access your whiteboard, print, and so much more. You can drag and drop apps from one computer to another. It also lets you reboot the operating system.

No need to install

You won’t need to install the software on the device that you’re attempting to access from. You can merely log into your account on the internet, use your Access ID and password, and enter your operating system. Everything will be available to you as long as you have a stable internet connection.

Access to Mac over the web

Remote PC provides exceptional service if you need to access your Mac from any location or platform. Of course, it may be free to install, but the subscription packages will unlock all the features. You’ll need to choose the one that suits you best.



Remote PC 7.6.31 for Mac
  • Mac OS X
Available languages:
  • English,
  • Spanish,
  • German,
  • Japanese
Latest update:
Wednesday, May 12th 2021
IDrive Inc.


Also available in other platforms

Remote PC for Mac


IDrive Inc.(Free)

User rating


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