
RB App Checker Lite for Mac


Rainer Brockerhoff(Free)

User rating

RB App Checker Lite: A Free Tool for App Verification

RB App Checker Lite is a free tool designed to help developers ensure that their apps meet the necessary requirements for listing on app stores. It allows users to check code signatures and receipts, ensuring that all the necessary entitlements, requirements, and certificates are in place. This is particularly important as app stores and virus checkers scrutinize these aspects during their automated app testing process. RB App Checker Lite also serves as a useful tool for non-developers who want to verify if an app has been tampered with after being downloaded.

One of the standout features of RB App Checker Lite is its ability to provide results in a clear and comprehensive text report. This allows users to quickly identify any potentially dangerous app issues and invisible items. The app also presents results in full sentences, making it more user-friendly and accessible.

However, it is worth noting that the full version of RB App Checker has been abandoned, which may raise concerns about future updates and support. Additionally, the manual/tutorial provided with the app is quite small, which could make it challenging for non-developers to navigate and fully utilize all the features. It is also important to mention that RB App Checker Lite requires backward compatibility to OS XEl Capitan).


Overall, RB App Checker Lite is a valuable tool for both developers and non-developers who want to ensure the integrity and compliance of their apps. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive reports make it a helpful resource in the app verification process.



RB App Checker Lite 1.1.5 for Mac
  • Mac OS (68k/PPC)
Latest update:
Monday, November 27th 2023
Rainer Brockerhoff

RB App Checker Lite for Mac


Rainer Brockerhoff(Free)

User rating


We don't have any change log information yet for version 1.1.5 of RB App Checker Lite. Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information available, so please check back in a few days to see if it has been updated.

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