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Learn more about Yosemite Conservancy’s hundred-year history, hunker down with some magical tales from Yosemite enthusiasts, get inspired to support the park, and explore stories from our centennial magazine — and so much more.

Our roots stretch back to August 1923, when the Yosemite Museum Association was established as the original nonprofit partner to the National Park Service. Today, we help Yosemite fans from around the world explore and conserve the park, including through adventures, art, books, and retail.

Over the past hundred years, Yosemite Conservancy donors have provided over $152 million in grants to Yosemite for more than 800 completed projects. Imagine what the next hundred years will look like with your support!

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July 28, 2023
100 Years of Yosemite Conservancy

This story about the hundred year history of Yosemite Conservancy appeared in our spring/summer magazine 2023, and was written by

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April 18, 2023
Celebrating 100 years of stories

Yosemite Conservancy is celebrating 100 years with stories. Founded as the first nonprofit partner organization to a national park, Yosemite

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July 11, 2023
Give Back to Yosemite: 100 Ways to Support Yosemite Conservancy

What is your favorite way to support Yosemite National Park? This year, Yosemite Conservancy is celebrating a Century of Conservation

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June 28, 2023
Yosemite Legends: George Meléndez Wright

A nature and wildlife enthusiast from an early age, San Francisco native George Meléndez Wright often explored Yosemite’s backcountry while

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July 27, 2023
Yosemite Legends: Florence Hutchings

The first non-Indian child born in Yosemite Valley, Florence Hutching’s memory still welcomes visitors to the park. Florence Hutchings, also

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