Yellowbrick | Spray Paint

Stacking up Versus Cloudera Impala

Stacking up Versus Cloudera Impala

Yellowbrick Data Warehouse Overview

The Yellowbrick Data Warehouse delivers a modern data warehouse experience in your own cloud account as well as on-premises. We support all the benefits of truly cloud-native data warehousing – separate storage and compute and built-in elasticity, managed through SQL – without your data ever needing to leave your VPC or data center.

Yellowbrick customers are the world’s largest global enterprises, running ad-hoc analytics, and operational data warehouses supporting business-critical workloads with high concurrency. Wherever you run Yellowbrick, you’ll find rich workload management, real-time data ingest, the ability to load and query data together on the same instance, high availability, and replication across clouds and on-premises for disaster recovery. You can say “goodbye” to the instability of Hadoop and “hello” to a stable, reliable, and trustworthy data warehouse.

Pricing with Yellowbrick is open, simple, and predictable. We’ve saved many customers millions of dollars per year in legacy and cloud spend. You use and pay for your storage and compute, making use of your cloud credits without paying smaller companies to mark up your infrastructure costs. You can be comfortable meeting your security, regulatory, and compliance requirements.

If you’re considering a new migration to the cloud, Yellowbrick avoids lock-in to any particular cloud vendor or database. We use open-source PostgreSQL as our SQL syntax of choice and are backward compatible with on-premises ETL tools like Informatica PowerCenter and CDC tools, Oracle GoldenGate or Qlik (Attunity) Replicate. We don’t do lock-in. We don’t want to be the next Oracle (nor did our founders come from there) and we use open standards to ensure the portability of your data and workload.

We’re proud to have the best performance in the industry, at the lowest possible cost. No one runs data warehousing workloads faster than Yellowbrick.

Keep reading to see how we stack up versus our competitors in the market.


Get Modern

Pricing with Yellowbrick is open, simple, and predictable. We’ve saved many customers millions of dollars per year in legacy and cloud spend. You use and pay for your storage and compute, making use of your cloud credits without paying smaller companies to mark up your infrastructure costs. You can be comfortable meeting your security, regulatory, and compliance requirements.


Get Real

Yellowbrick supports high concurrency and low-latency interactive queries. Badly written run-away queries can’t disrupt other users’ queries, and you can have thousands of users querying your data at the same time. Yellowbrick guarantees correct results, yet most importantly we have enterprise support and a development team that can fix problems: Most Impala users are used to regular crashes, and Cloudera can’t fix them. Yellowbrick, being a database, interoperates with all of your existing ETL.

Cloudera Impala

The Yellowbrick Data Warehouse fits easily into your Data Lake architecture, without needing to replace it. Most importantly, Yellowbrick is an enterprise-quality database. We have enterprise-class stability; you don’t need to manage storage or file layouts or partitions; we have built-in multi-site replication, transactional consistency, and the ability to plan complex SQL queries, run stored procedures, role-based access control; and all the other things you’d expect of a “database.”

Yellowbrick supports high concurrency and low-latency interactive queries. Badly written run-away queries can’t disrupt other users’ queries, and you can have thousands of users querying your data at the same time. Yellowbrick guarantees correct results, yet most importantly we have enterprise support and a development team that can fix problems: Most Impala users are used to regular crashes, and Cloudera can’t fix them. Yellowbrick, being a database, interoperates with all of your existing ETL.

If you have any need for operational data warehousing, high concurrency, ad-hoc queries, predictable response times, or simply software that doesn’t crash all the time, Impala – just like other failed SQL-on-Hadoop products – will do nothing for you. Follow in the footsteps of the world’s largest insurance, logistics, credit card, and risk companies, and use Yellowbrick to enable business users to get value out of your Data Lake. We have many customers who have happily said goodbye to Impala, delighted their user communities, and saved the time, money, and effort investments in Impala that ultimately proved to be futile.

Buggy and poor support
Is it a database?
Cloud native data warehouse
Enterprise-class stability
Cloud native data warehouse
Fast inserts, updates, deletes
Cloud native data warehouse
Real-time streaming data ingest
Cloud native data warehouse
Autonomous without indexing/tuning
Cloud native data warehouse
On-premises deployments
Cloud native data warehouse
Hardware-specific performance optimizations
Cloud native data warehouse
Cloud data warehouse in your VPC
Cloud native data warehouse
Elastic with separate storage/compute
Cloud native data warehouse
Kubernetes-based, for private cloud
Cloud native data warehouse
High concurrency, predictable latency for operational workloads
Cloud native data warehouse
Advanced workload management
Cloud native data warehouse
Yellowbrick | Panda
Yellowbrick | Panda

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Learn More About the Only Modern Data Warehouse for Hybrid Cloud

Run analytics 10 to 100x FASTER to achieve analytic insights that have never been possible.

Simpler to Manage
Configure, load and query billions of rows in minutes.

Shrink your data warehouse footprint by as much as 97% and save millions in operational and management costs.

Accessible Anywhere
Achieve high speed analytics in your data center or in any cloud.