How to Meet Your GenAI Goals While Mitigating the Risks

Pressure is mounting to create Generative AI solutions—but cautions abound. Here’s how to meet your goals, while reducing costs and risks.

How to Meet Your GenAI Goals While Mitigating the Risks

Consumers' skyrocketing interest in ChatGPT has sparked a surge in enterprise adoption—to no surprise. From delivering technical instructions and product advice to providing step-by-step assistance, Generative AI (GenAI) is now a top priority for CIOs. 

However, CIOs face the challenge of harnessing this rapidly evolving technology while managing its risks.

Download Coveo’s ebook to explore the solutions that can help you navigate the complexities of implementing GenAI, allowing your organization to fully capitalize on its potential. Plus, you'll find cures to CIO GenAI headaches, like how to:

  • Avoid potential exposure of your proprietary information through public GenAI engines
  • Build secure connectors to every complex system where your data lives so GenAI can provide answers
  • Ensure secure content retrieval so users only generate answers from content they have access to
  • Avoid scrambling to subsidize the heavy costs of building and maintaining a GenAI solution