Call recording software: Why it’s a must for sales teams

If lack of data and manual note taking are slowing your sales teams down, Zoom Revenue Accelerator call recording software with conversation analytics can help reps save time and close more deals.

Call recording software: Why it’s a must for sales teams
Conversation insights from call recording

Conversation insights from call recording

Closing deals, hitting revenue targets, coaching reps to be their best — as a sales manager, these top priorities may take up your workday. Call recording software can help you focus on achieving those goals while giving reps the tools and data they need to move deals along more efficiently.

What are the benefits of call recording software?

Call recording software allows you to go back and review conversations. But some call recording solutions, like Zoom Revenue Accelerator, can do more than just record calls. It uses conversation intelligence, a subset of AI, to provide analytics that can help you:

Improve customer service

Improve customer service

It’s easy to go back to the recording and take action on next steps that were promised, or make a note of customer preferences mentioned.

Identify coaching opportunities

Identify coaching opportunities

If a rep is struggling with their delivery or handling objections, reviewing the recording will allow you to flag those issues and address them.

Automate note taking

Automate note taking

AI-generated meeting summaries highlight the most important parts of the call, plus searchable meeting transcripts allow you to see exactly what was said.

Share knowledge

Share knowledge

Use recordings of the most successful calls as part of training and enablement so all reps can benefit from seeing what works.

Access data

Access data

Metrics from sales call recordings can help your teams understand trends related to deal wins and losses, and act on those insights.

Get better deal visibility

Get better deal visibility

Revisit the recording to hear firsthand what prospects are saying about your competitors, their timeline for making a decision, and their objections.

Which software is good for call recording?

The best software for cloud recording depends on what you need to use it for. Many cloud phone and video meeting providers offer basic call recording services, which enable you to manually or automatically record calls, as well as audio transcription. You can listen to or watch the recording whenever you want.

However, if you want to go beyond call recording, a solution like Zoom Revenue Accelerator can help you leverage metrics from those calls and provide analytics to help your team improve their performance.

Which software is good for call recording?
Call recordings with conversation intelligence: the ultimate solution

Call recordings with conversation intelligence: the ultimate solution

Conversation intelligence analyzes data from video and phone call recordings to provide helpful insights. A conversation intelligence solution like Zoom Revenue Accelerator can:

  • Set up automatic call recording for every video meeting and business phone call.

  • Analyze the audio transcript to provide a meeting summary and next steps to take.

  • Create “smart chapters” based on the conversation topics for easier navigation.

  • Identify when and how often certain keywords, like your competitors’ names, are mentioned in the call recording.

  • View data over time so you can uncover trends and areas of improvement related to your deals process and reps’ conversations.

Essential call recording features

If you want to give your sales team the ability to record calls and video meetings, Zoom Revenue Accelerator can help. Our call recording software has the features your reps need to easily replay and reference their sales calls.

  • Audio transcription

    Voice-to-text audio transcription allows you to quickly search for keywords or see what was said by a particular person during the call. 

  • CRM integration

    Call recording apps that integrate with your CRM solution can automatically attach call recordings to customer accounts so you can quickly find what you need.

  • Clip library

    Create clips of call recordings that you can use for training sales reps, or send clips from a meeting to product specialists, leaders, or other stakeholders to get their feedback.

Essential call recording features
AI-powered features: More data insights for your sales call

AI-powered features: More data insights for your sales call

With Zoom Revenue Accelerator, you can go even deeper into call recordings than just replaying your phone call or video meeting. These features help you surface valuable insights from the conversation your reps are having:

  • Indicators

    Indicators allow you to define specific phrases or topics to track, like pricing or competitor names. Get notified when these words come up in conversations, track mentions over time and at each stage of the deal, and see what percentage of deals won or lost contain indicators.

  • Conversation analytics

    Measure how your reps are engaging with customers and prospects in conversations with metrics like talk-listen ratio, talking speed, and patience. Use this data to coach reps who may need improvement with their delivery.

  • Deal insights

    Combine deal data from your CRM with meeting metrics to analyze deal patterns, like the average length of a meeting at every stage, and the number of meetings that are most effective for closing a deal.

Call recording software that does more

Zoom Revenue Accelerator is much more than a call recording solution. With conversation intelligence capabilities, you can extract meaningful data from your call recordings and take action from those insights. The result? Improved performance from reps, better interactions with your customers, and more deals closed. 


Want to see Zoom Revenue Accelerator in action? Fill out the form to talk to an expert.

Call recording software that does more