Government collaboration without the complexity

Jumping between different solutions and communication tools not only slows down agency collaboration, but also impedes the effective delivery of public services. Zoom Workplace can help you bring together team meetings, telephony, asynchronous collaboration, and agency communication with a single solution that’s easy to manage and simple for both workers and citizens to use.


Collaboration in government, made simple

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    Support effective agency communication

    Your employees need to focus on service delivery, not on technology. Forget switching from app to app — consolidate email, calendar, team chat, video meetings, and phone on one platform.

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    Meet the public where they are

    Zoom Workplace lets your teams communicate with the public on the channels they prefer. Whether it’s over the phone, through a meeting, or with a webinar, agency employees can share important information, provide equitable access to resources, and provide meaningful services.

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    Collaborate from anywhere

    Whether you’re in the field or at your home office, work where you want with Zoom Workplace’s smart, yet simple, collaboration tools.

What an all-in-one government collaboration solution can do for you:

  • Simple management

    Make your job easier with a single admin portal for managing system capabilities, upgrades, and users. Experience increased productivity across all levels of your organization, making the user experience synonymous.

  • Happy employees

    Want fewer support calls and fewer trainings? Zoom Workplace bundles all the intuitive Zoom solutions your employees are already familiar with.

government collaboration
  • Cost savings

    Replace standalone offerings with a unified communications solution. One contract, more savings.

  • Trusted, secure experiences

    Security and privacy are paramount in the public sector — our enterprise-grade security gives you the confidence to safely communicate and collaborate from anywhere.

  • Scalable solutions

    As your organization grows, Zoom Workplace scales to help meet your needs with flexible plans, simple user provisioning, and reliability.

All together, now

Want to see how Zoom Workplace can help simplify collaboration across your agency? Talk to one of our government specialists about the benefits of Zoom Workplace for Government.
