Dr. Christian Thiel

Bis 2019, SVP and Executive Manager Automated Driving Business, Ygomi LLC

Oberaudorf, Deutschland

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Business Development
Neue Technologien
General Management
Software Development


Berufserfahrung von Christian Thiel

  • Bis heute 4 Jahre und 9 Monate, seit Nov. 2019

    Executive Manager

    RoadDB LLC

    Start-up for next generation of digital maps for highly automated driving purely by crowd-sourcing and fully automated processing. Continuation of the incubation work described under Ygomi below.

  • 5 Jahre und 1 Monat, Okt. 2014 - Okt. 2019

    SVP and Executive Manager Automated Driving Business

    Ygomi LLC

    Responsibility for the build-up of a new technology and company “RoadDB” Generation of HD road data (next generation digital maps) for highly automated driving through image processing in series vehicles with AI-based software and big data analysis in server centers globally.

  • 1 Jahr, Okt. 2013 - Sep. 2014

    Managing Director


    Own consulting business; Consulting of start-ups and mid-size semiconductor companies on automotive IC design marketing, and quality management.

  • 1 Jahr und 2 Monate, Aug. 2012 - Sep. 2013

    Senior Vice President & General Manager Automotive Infotainment & SMSC Europe

    Microchip Technology Inc.

    Microchip acquired SMSC in Aug 2012. Continued P&L responsibility for SMSC's automotive business (Automotive Infotainment) and SMSC Europe. Growth of the business by 50% in one year, resulting from strategies implemented at SMSC. Significant growth of profitability. Integration into Microchip's structures.

  • 10 Monate, Nov. 2011 - Aug. 2012

    Senior Vice President & General Manager Automotive & Industrial & Europe


    In charge of two P&Ls, 40% of SMSC's revenue. Continued responsibility as GM of the business unit Automotive (see below) and of SMSC Europe. Added responsibility for the business unit Industrial. Turn-around from a shrinking consumer-based business to a broad vertical and margin focused Industrial business.

  • 6 Jahre und 7 Monate, Apr. 2005 - Okt. 2011

    Vice President & General Manager Automotive & Europe


    OASIS was acquired by SMSC and became its Automotive business unit. I became its GM with P&L responsibility. In parallel I held responsibility for Europe. Worked for 2 years from Austin/Texas. Triplication of revenue until 2013 (under Microchip) and increase of the gross margin. Defense of the leading market position for MOST. Won Volkswagen, GM and others. Buildup of SMSC's global market leadership position for USB in cars.

  • 2 Jahre und 7 Monate, Sep. 2002 - März 2005

    Vice President Marketing/Strategic Sales & Vorstand

    OASIS SiliconSystems AG

    US/German semiconductor start-up and leading supplier of ICs, software stacks and development tools for the MOST multimedia network. Buildup of global marketing from ground up. Revenue growth from $12m to $50m. Won Toyota and Hyundai as first Asian adopters of MOST. Successful defense against reverse-engineering by competitors and cementation of OASIS' leading market position for MOST. Definition of the company's business model as "One-Stop-Shop" and "Connectivity System Supplier".

  • 6 Jahre und 1 Monat, Aug. 1996 - Aug. 2002

    Project & Team Leader

    BMW Group

    Project and team leader in the R&D division of BMW Buildup of the division Systems Engineering Infotainment. Introduction of a new systems engineering process for complex infotainment systems. Construction leader infotainment system 7 Series MY2001 (first iDrive system). Development and standardisation of the multimedia network MOST (today a global standard). Foundation of MOST Cooperation, a global industry collaboration entity.

  • 5 Jahre, Sep. 1991 - Aug. 1996

    Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

    Universität der Bundeswehr München

    Post graduate work as Research Fellow; Scientific work on an application of high frequency electronics in surgery - the "electric scalpel"; PhD in 1995

Ausbildung von Christian Thiel

  • 6 Jahre, Sep. 1985 - Aug. 1991


    Technische Universität München

    RF and high frequency electronics


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