Marker categories

Categories are a perfect way of segmenting your markers and allowing your visitors to show only certain types of markers. For example, a real estate website can create a map that has both “For Sale” and “To Let” marker categories. Visitors can then select to show only the “For Sale” markers on the map.

Visitors select the category via the drop down field above the map. Once selected, the map and the “advanced” marker list below the map is dynamically updated to suit the selection.

Since version 6.11, it is now possible to change the logic behind the category selection process. You can now set the plugin to display markers based on an AND and OR logic depending on the categories you select. For example: You can choose to show markers that match Category A _AND_ Category B or Category A _OR_ Category B. The setting for this can be found in the Maps -> Settings page.


  • Sub-categories (infinite levels)
  • AND /  OR logic
  • Unique marker icons per category
  • Integrates with the Store Locator functionality

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This demo is set to match categories with the following logic: Category x _OR_ Category y

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