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Funding for people

Our funding for people provides research and education grants through scholarships, and fellowships.

These grants are generally administered by our partner organisations, who are better placed to select outstanding recipients. We do not accept applications for grants to individuals directly.

Visit our partner organisations’ web pages to check whether you are eligible to apply.



Wolfson Music Awards

Scholarships for outstanding secondary school-age musicians in junior departments and funding for undergraduates to purchase instruments at nine musical conservatoires across the UK. Students are nominated by the conservatoire. You can also apply under this programme for funding to purchase instruments. 

Intercalated Awards

Funding administered by the Royal College of Physicians for outstanding undergraduate students at selected medical schools who are likely to pursue a medical research career. These awards enable students to take a one-year academic course part-way through their medical degree.

Apply through your university.

Royal College of Physicians Logo
Wolfson Postgraduate Scholarships in the Humanities

Scholarships for PhD students in the broad areas of history, literature and languages at six partner universities. Students are selected by their university.

Enquiries about applying should be directed to the relevant participating university.

Academic researchers

British Academy Wolfson Research Professorships

In partnership with the British Academy, we award a small number of professorships to established and outstanding academics in the humanities. This allows researchers to focus on a specific research programme while freed from teaching and administrative commitments. Communicating the research to a wide audience is a requirement of the professorship. 

The British Academy Logo
British Academy Wolfson Fellowships

In partnership with the British Academy, we award a small number of fellowships to early career researchers in the humanities who show exceptional talent in both research and public engagement. The award enables early career researchers to undertake a specific research project over three years with funding divided between time buy-out, research and travel expenses, and dissemination of findings.

The British Academy are commissioning an external evaluation of this scheme to inform future funding in this area. While this work is being undertaken, they will not be accepting new applications for British Academy/Wolfson Fellowships.

The British Academy Logo
Royal Society Wolfson Research Fellowships
(previously Merit Awards)

Five-year flexible funding supporting universities and research institutions to recruit outstanding scientific researchers. The scheme covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering, but excluding clinical medicine.

This programme is jointly funded by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and administered by the Royal Society.

The Royal Society
The Council for At-Risk Academics

Funding to support The Council for At-Risk Academics (Cara) Fellowships Programme, which provides opportunities at UK universities for early and mid-career researchers fleeing persecution or danger in other parts of the world.

Cara logo

Workplace Employees

Wolfson Professional Development Grants for Palliative Care Staff

Grants for professional training for medical staff working in palliative care. These include, but are not limited to, adult and children’s hospice staff.

    Art Fund New Collecting Awards

    Funding for museum and gallery curators who are either in the early stages of their career, or have had limited opportunities to collect, and who want to develop both their institution’s own collections and their curatorial expertise.

    Art Fund Logo