
The Well Wisconsin Program, administered by WebMD, is the wellness program offered as part of the State of Wisconsin Group Health Insurance Program. This program is voluntary and provided at no cost to you and your spouse, if enrolled in the State Group Health Insurance Program. The program offers tools and resources to help you maintain or improve your current state of well-being and help lower your health risks and costs.

Get Started

To participate in the Well Wisconsin Program, login or register on the Well Wisconsin portal (code: SOWI) or download the Wellness At Your Side mobile app through the App Store or on Google Play (code: SOWI).

Wellness Incentive

Well Wisconsin allows you and your spouse (if enrolled in the State Group Health Insurance Program) to each earn an annual $150 incentive. To earn this incentive, you and your spouse must each complete a health assessment, health check activity, and one well-being activity (by mid-October*).

  • Health Assessment: Captures current health behaviors through a brief questionnaire (15-20 minutes) focusing on stress, sleep, nutrition and physical activity.
  • Health Check Activity:
    • Biometric screening – Provides a picture of overall health (includes measurements for blood pressure, body mass index, cholesterol, triglycerides & glucose) or
    • Dental exam – Provides a picture of overall dental health (by getting a preventive dental exam) or
    • One coaching session – Provides an opportunity for you to work with a WebMD Health Coach to help you work toward your goals!
  • Well-being Activity pdf : Helps with overall health and well-being (examples: Five Fruits & Vegetables to Thrive Challenge, Move for a Million Steps Challenge, Well Wisconsin Radio).

*Check the Well Wisconsin portal for the deadline each year and for additional information regarding the Well Wisconsin Program Incentive. Participation in the program is subject to timely enrollment in the State Group Health Insurance Program (may be an issue for newly eligible employees in the fall).

Note: Wellness Wisconsin Program incentives are considered taxable income to the employee.

Well Wisconsin Radio

Monthly podcast style sessions that focus on topics of health and well-being with experts from around the State of Wisconsin. All episodes are available on demand.

  • Podcasts: new episodes released monthly

Note: Listen to two episodes to complete the well-being activity requirement for the $150 incentive.


Personal health information is protected by federal law and will not be shared with the Universities of Wisconsin, Employee Trust Funds, or the Group Health Insurance Program. For more information, review privacy policy, short privacy video or the Department of Employee Trust Funds’ (ETF) Notice for Wellness Programs.

More Information

For additional information regarding the Well Wisconsin Program, go to Well Wisconsin portal (code: SOWI) or contact the Well Wisconsin Program HelpLine at (800) 821-6591. Additional information may also be found at etf.wi.gov/well-wisconsin-members.

Reminder: To be eligible for the Well Wisconsin Program, you must be an employee, spouse, or retiree enrolled in the State Group Health Insurance Program.

Every effort has been made to ensure this information is current and correct. Information on this page does not guarantee enrollment, benefits and/or the ability to make changes to your benefits.

Updated: 06/12/2024