Mobile App Development, Publishing, Marketing


Whilst developing the new GIF preview functionality in CLIP+, I discovered that the built-in Twitter UIActivity would not post animated GIFs. It accepts the GIF’s NSData perfectly happily, but then posts a static image - whereas posting the same NSData via the Messages UIActivity results in an animated GIF as expected.

Ease of sharing animated GIFs was a major reason to implement this new functionality in the first place, so I needed to come up with another option - that’s where SBBAnimatedTweetActivity comes in.


SBBAnimatedTweetActivity is open-source, and has been released as a Cocoapod.

CLIP+ Copy & Paste Clipboard Manager v2.0 is out today! It’s been a long time coming, but CLIP+ v2.0 live on the App Store today! Inspired by great user suggestions and the recent launch of iOS9, we’ve added the following features:
• NEW: Preview...

CLIP+ Copy & Paste Clipboard Manager v2.0 is out today!

It’s been a long time coming, but CLIP+ v2.0 live on the App Store today! Inspired by great user suggestions and the recent launch of iOS9, we’ve added the following features:

• NEW: Preview images and animated GIFs - any URLs that point to images will be previewed in your list. Share the image directly rather than just the URL.
• NEW: Edit items - swipe left for an “Edit” button.
• NEW: Reorder items - simply drag items to reorder them.
• NEW: Spotlight Search integration - your clipped items are available in your iOS9 search results.
• NEW: Safari Shared Links extension - your clipped URLs are available in Safari’s “Shared Links” tab.

I’ll write about the technical implementation of some of these new features over the coming days, but I hope that you enjoy using them.

Anyway, CLIP+ is live on today and we are very much looking forward to hearing your questions & feedback.

With all this talk about ASO, don’t forget about your apps’ SEO We’ll put this one down under “seemed like a good idea at the time” - I was trying to come up with a name for my new iOS clipboard manager app that was clean, simple & modern (just like...

With all this talk about ASO, don’t forget about your apps’ SEO

We’ll put this one down under “seemed like a good idea at the time” - I was trying to come up with a name for my new iOS clipboard manager app that was clean, simple & modern (just like the app). CLP+ was the result - certainly simple, and has that oh-so trendy missing character!

During the first year of the app’s life, what became obvious (arguably should’ve been obvious the whole time) was that it was not obvious how to even say the name. This made it slightly painful to tell people about it, and probably slightly painful for other people to tell their friends about it. This is not a good thing!

The nail in the coffin of CLP+ was when I was trying to grab the URL for the US App Store by typing the full name of the app into Google.

The first page of search results listed the competitors, but not CLP+!

People typing in the actual name of the app were being sent to competitor apps because of the stupid trendy spelling I’d chosen because I’d thought it looked nice! Google was correcting the search text entered because CLP was incorrectly spelt.

So, CLP+ is now CLIP+
…and I hope the SEO damage is not permanent.

CLIP+ Copy & Paste Clipboard Manager v2.0 is hitting the App Store on Wednesday 14th October 2015

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