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Main event

Scientific Board

19 Jan 2024

The celebration of the 125th anniversary of BUT opened with a meeting of the Scientific Board. Its regular proceedings were supplemented by a presentation of the year of celebrations and a social programme.
Main event

National Transfer Conference

9 – 10 Apr 2024

The 11th National Transfer Conference, which will focus mainly on the impact of legislative changes on transfer departments of research organisations. The conference is organized under the auspices of
Main event

CESAER Task Force

23 – 24 Apr 2024

Meeting of the Learning & Teaching Task Force of the prestigious European research network of technical universities CESAER. The event will be attended by prominent representatives from European technical universities and stakeholders within the European Higher Education Area who are shaping the future of technical education. The meeting is also a key preparation for the upcoming International Conference on Technical Education in the autumn.


Main event

Rollout Dragon e4

4 Apr 2024

For the first time, not only invited guests but also the public will witness the unveiling of the brand-new racing formula by the Brno BUT students. This year's rollout, or the unveiling of the new monopost, will take place on Friday afternoon, April 26th, in the large courtyard of Špilberk Castle. The event is open to all those interested in motorsport and technology.

Event web

Accompanying event

Running on 53

30 Apr 2024

A traditional event of the summer semester, which inherently linked with the first days of spring. It inspires you to go for a run after a long winter and relish the first sunshine in the air. The event is organized by the Students for Students organization.

Event web

Accompanying event

Excel@FIT 2024

2 May 2024

On 2 May 2024, the Faculty of Information Technology will host the 10th annual student conference on innovation, technology and science in IT - Excel@FIT. Student presentations of interesting technical solutions, ideas and professional results will be evaluated by an expert jury.
Accompanying event

Europe Day

9 May 2024

The open air Europe Day event starts on 9 May at 2 pm at Moravské náměstí in Brno, near the statue of Jošt.  The rich programme, which annually commemorates the idea of peace on our continent, will be full of information and culture. It will be complemented by two student associations from the Brno University of Technology - BEST Brno a ESN VUT Brno.
Main event

Majáles Brno

11 May 2024

The Majáles festival in Brno will not only offer a diverse musical program but also host the traditional competition for the King and Queen of Brno. BUT will once again present itself in the university zone, complementing the vibrant musical program with examples of student activities and creative outputs.
Main event

European University Fencing Cup

12 May 2024

The first year of the European University Fencing Cup in men's and women's épée, that is held under the auspices of the Rector of Brno University of Technology. The tournament is organized as part of the celebration of the 125th anniversary of the foundation of Brno University of Technology and is open to students from colleges and universities across Europe

Event web

Main event

General Assembly of EULiST

22 – 25 May 2024

The General Assembly of the European University EULiST, consisting of ten European universities with a predominantly technical focus. Membership in the EULiST alliance enables universities to facilitate collaboration in science and research, while fostering student and staff mobility. This assembly will provide an opportunity to share information, enhance connectivity in the academic environment, and explore ways to promote technical education among universities.


Accompanying event

Garden Party

19 Jun 2024

An informal afternoon social gathering of mainly university management, faculty and other parts to mark the end of the 2023/2024 academic year.
Accompanying event


19 Jul 2024

The international discussion forum MeltingPot is traditionally held as part of the Colours of Ostrava festival. This year, more than 250 speakers from all over the world will be on 12 thematic stages to discuss current topics and news from the fields of politics, economics, technology and AI, science, education, health and personal development. On Friday 19 July, you can also look forward to speakers and highlights from the BUT on the Envision Stage.


Main event

Science and Technology Festival

6 – 8 Sept 2024

Science and Technology Festival is a traditional annual event that aims to bring science to the general public and show it as fascinating, fun and surprising. Visitors are treated to interactive demonstrations so they can better understand the beauty of scientific exploration.
Accompanying event

Meeting of Brno Bioelectronics Engineers

9 Sep 2024

On Monday, 9 September 2024, the Meeting of Brno Bioelectronics Engineers will take place. Its aim is to bring together the Brno community of experts in biomedical engineering and bioelectronic devices to meet, inspire and discuss opportunities for collaboration.
Accompanying event

100 years of flying on the Medlánky hills

14 Sep 2024

Medlánky Airport celebrates 100 years. Get ready for an unforgettable day full of exciting air demonstrations, sightseeing flights with airplanes, meetings with important figures of aviation sports and enjoy this historical milestone of flying in Medlánky. BUT is a partner of this event.
Main event

Sports Week

16 – 20 Sept 2024

The first week of the new academic year will be filled with sports, tournaments, competitions, and, most importantly, fun. This year, the Sports Activities Centre will once again organize numerous sports activities for all students and employees of BUT.
Main event

Music from the FEEC

18 Sept 2024

This music festival is inseparably linked with the beginning of the winter semester. The stage is primarily occupied by student bands, but you can also anticipate performances by well-known names. This year's event will also commemorate the 65th anniversary of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication.
Main event

Festive Academic Assembly

19 Sept 2024

The university's Academic Assembly is a traditional ceremony during which the Rector's awards are presented. These awards include gold, silver, and commemorative medals, as well as awards for students and awards for the best teachers, evaluated by the students of BUT.
Main event

Researcher's Night

27 Sept 2024

The most famous popularization event for the general public attracts crowds of visitors every year to places they do not normally have access to. BUT will open its laboratories, lecture halls, and other premises, and will prepare a rich programme that even the youngest will enjoy.

Web of researcher's night

Main event


1 Oct 2024

The opening of the semester at the Faculty of Civil Engineering is linked to the music festival FASTFest, featuring performances by student bands and well-known headliners.
Main event

Brno International Engineering Fair

8 – 11 Oct 2024

BUT will be present at the 65th edition of the most important industrial fair in Central Europe. We have been awarded the Gold Medal for our exhibits many times, and this year, visitors can also look forward to our stand to see what new innovations have been developed at BUT.


Main event

Ceremonial Meeting of the Scientific Board

29 Nov 2024

On the occasion of the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Board of BUT, honorary doctorates will be conferred.
Main event

BUT Ball

6 Dec 2024

The 125th-anniversary celebrations will culminate in early December with the BUT Ball, a unique event for students, employees, alumni, partners, and friends of BUT. The gala evening, enjoyed not only by engineers, has over the years evolved into the largest ball in the Czech Republic.
Main event

European Conference on STEM Education

23 – 24 Jan 2025

The European Conference on STEM Education builds on the activities and events implemented by BUT at the national and international levels, aiming to promote technical education and enhance the competitiveness of both the Czech Republic and the European Union.

Conference Website

Responsibility: Mgr. Marta Vaňková