The Online Form Builder for Better Conversions

Build beautiful interactive, animated forms that engage your audience and increase conversions by up to 2X.

Create your Form now
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Available in three distinct styles:

Shown to increase conversion rates by up to 2X

An Online Form Builder Bringing Design and Conversion Together

A Better Way to Do Forms.

A Better Way to Do Forms.

Increase the data you collect on your website, including signups, leads, registrations, and more, by using beautifully designed forms that have been shown to convert at a higher rate.

Higher Conversion Rates. More Leads!

Higher Conversion Rates. More Leads!

Capture more contact information and build a dialogue with your audience, turning your website into a revenue machine for your business.

All your design assets, in one place.

All your design assets, in one place.

Keep your form design aligned with the rest of your design assets using Visme’s design platform for anything you need to create, from ads to ebooks, to graphics and more.

Stunning appearance. Seamless experience.

Stunning appearance. Seamless experience.

Amaze your audience with eye-catching animations and an effortless experience that keeps them engaged throughout the whole form.

Better Design. Less Hassle.

Better Design. Less Hassle.

Create your form in minutes with no coding, all while maintaining the look and feel of a custom-designed form.

Customization on your terms.

Customization on your terms.

Add and customize one of our animated characters to your form to improve conversion, or choose to toggle it off for a more simple design.

Features of Visme’s Online Form Builder &
Form Creator


Use Our Online Form Builder To Create Stunning Forms

  • Customize your form fields to suit your needs: collect email addresses, names, phone numbers, or other information as needed.
  • Visme’s no-code form builder automatically generates the HTML needed to add the form to your website.


Place And Embed Your Forms With No Code

  • You can publish your no-code form designs with a link, or QR code, or embed them on your website using auto-generated HTML.
  • Our online form builder has been crafted specifically to ensure that load times on your website won’t be impacted.
  • Place your online form where ever it makes sense, in a popup, sidebar, or embedded within the content.


Flow Data To Other Tools You Already Use

  • Visme’s online form builder seamlessly connects with popular platforms like MailChimp, HubSpot, Google Sheets, and many more.
  • Connect with hundreds of other platforms and tools in your marketing tech stack using our Zapier integration.


Monitor Form Performance With Visme’s Analytics Dashboard

  • Use our real-time analytics dashboard to track important form analytics.
  • Make quicker and more informed business decisions.

Make Beautifully Designed Forms


Create Forms That Your Users Have Never Seen Before

  • Increase engagement and conversions on forms with animated characters that draw the user in.
  • Customize your animations to match and enhance your brand’s personality.
  • Harness the power of Visme’s leading design tool to design custom forms that convert.


Carry Your Design Throughout Your Whole Marketing Campaign

  • Match your forms to other assets created in Visme, from ebook designs, ads, email newsletters, social media graphics and so much more!
  • Visme’s all-encompassing design platform simplifies the design process and saves your team time and money.
  • Use Visme’s Brand Kit to standardize brand design guidelines and create a cohesive look across all assets.
Carry Your Design Throughout Your Whole Marketing Campaign

Create Custom Forms with Beautiful
Design in 5 Steps

Choose your Form Type
Start your form from scratch or use a template
Build & customize your form
Design your custom form
Publish and Embed your form

Benefits of Using
Visme Form Builder

Custom Design, without the price tag

Custom Design, without the price tag

Combine the power of Visme’s design platform with the utility of an online form builder to create something magical.

Save Time

Save Time

Don’t wait on a developer to create forms from scratch. Using Visme’s online form builder speeds up the process without sacrificing quality design.

All your Designs in One Place

All your Designs in One Place

Create cohesive design through all ads, ebooks, social media graphics, lead magnets, email headers, and more all within Visme’s all-in-one design platform.

Fast Integration with other platforms

Fast Integration with other platforms

Use Visme’s integrations and set up a data flow between platforms in just a couple of minutes.

Form Animation Options

Form Animation Options

Our patent-pending form animations are proven to increase your conversion rates and get you more submissions.

Brought to you by Visme

A leading visual communication platform empowering 27,500,000 users and top brands.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A Form designer is a tool that allows users to create, customize, and design various types of forms without the need for programming knowledge. It simplifies the process of form creation by providing a user-friendly interface with customizable templates.

With a form designer, users can easily create different types of forms, such as feedback forms, surveys, registration forms, contact forms, order forms, and more.

Visme’s form designer combines the power of a form builder with a leading design platform to make custom forms like you haven’t seen anywhere else, all without needing coding skills.

Making your forms look professional can significantly impact how users perceive your brand and the overall user experience. Here are some tips to create professional-looking forms:

  1. Consistent branding: Use your brand colors, logo, and typography consistently throughout the form to maintain a cohesive and professional appearance.
  2. Clean layout: Keep the form layout simple and uncluttered. Use ample white space and align elements properly to improve readability and visual appeal.
  3. Use headings and labels: Organize the form with clear headings and labels for each question or section. This helps users understand the purpose of each field.
  4. Choose a readable font: Opt for a legible font that works well in different sizes and across various devices.
  5. Responsive design: Ensure your form is responsive and adapts to different screen sizes, including mobile devices, to provide a seamless experience for all users.
  6. Consistent button styling: Style your buttons consistently and make sure they stand out as the primary call-to-action.
  7. Error handling and validation: Implement clear error messages and validation to guide users in case they make mistakes while filling out the form.
  8. Limit form fields: Keep the number of form fields to a minimum and only ask for essential information to avoid overwhelming users.
  9. Consider field arrangement: Organize related fields together and follow a logical flow to make the form easy to navigate.
  10. Visual cues: Use visual cues like icons, progress indicators, or Visme’s animated characters to guide users through multi-step forms.
  11. Test on different devices: Check how the form looks and functions on various devices and browsers to ensure a consistent experience.
  12. Optimize loading times: Select a form builder that optimizes the form’s loading time to prevent users from abandoning the page due to slow loading. Visme Forms will not have a negative impact on your load times.
  13. Aesthetically pleasing buttons and form elements: Customize buttons and form elements to match your brand and enhance the overall visual appeal.
  14. Preview and test: Before making the form live, preview and test it thoroughly to ensure everything appears as intended and functions correctly.

By abiding these design principles, your forms will not only look professional but also be more user-friendly, encouraging higher completion rates and better engagement.

Instead of spending hours of time and hundreds of dollars on coding completely custom forms, designing a form with a form builder shortens the time needed to get your form live. Visme Forms makes it easy to select your form fields, change the text around your form and get it live within a few minutes.

When designing a form, consider the following factors to ensure a positive experience for both you and your form users.

  1. Purpose and Goals: Clearly define the purpose of the form and the specific goals you want to achieve with the collected data.
  2. Target Audience: Understand your target audience and design the form with their preferences and needs in mind.
  3. Form Length: Keep the form concise by including only essential fields. Long forms may discourage users from completing them.
  4. Form Elements: Choose appropriate form elements (text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.) based on the type of data you want to collect.
  5. Layout and Organization: Design a clean and well-organized layout that guides users through the form logically.
  6. Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure the form is responsive and accessible on various devices, including smartphones and tablets.
  7. Language and Terminology: Use simple and easy-to-understand language. Avoid jargon or technical terms that may confuse users.
  8. Call-to-Action (CTA): Design clear and visually distinct CTA buttons to guide users to submit the form.
  9. Confirmation and Thank-You Page: After submission, display a confirmation or thank-you page to acknowledge users’ efforts.

Implementing forms on your website is a breeze with Visme Forms. In just a few minutes, you can create and customize professional-looking forms without any coding knowledge. Visme Forms automatically generates HTML that can be placed anywhere on your website, so your forms can be live and running as soon as possible.

Form submissions go back into Visme Forms and can be viewed, filtered, or exported out however you’d like. You can also use an integration with your CR.

You can build a wide variety of forms in Visme. Some of the most popular types are:

  1. Lead Generation Forms – Watch how Visme’s design prowess can skyrocket your lead generation stats.
  2. Contact Forms – Create more opportunities to talk with your website audience with simple contact forms they’ll actually want to engage with.
  3. Email Collector Forms – Grow your email subscriber list with eye-catching email forms.
  4. Newsletter Signup Forms – Create a better experience for your audience and engage them with custom newsletter signup forms anywhere on your website.
  5. Lead Magnet Forms – Use Visme’s online form builder to create forms for your ebooks, guides, webinars, and other content.
  6. Event Registration Forms – Get more engagement on your online and offline events with memorable registration forms.

Get up to 2X More Form Conversions.