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Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama says Barack was like the 'good parent,' calls Trump the 'other parent'

Former first lady Michelle Obama compared the presidencies of her husband and President Trump to two dads with very different parenting styles at a women's leadership conference Thursday. And it's no shocker which man she would trust more to watch the kids. 

"I always sort of felt like the eight years that Barack was president, it was sort of like having the good parent at home. You know, the responsible parent, the one who told you to eat your carrots and go to bed on time," Obama said during a discussion at the Simmons Leadership Conference in Boston. 

"And now perhaps we have the other parent in the house," she said. People thought it would be "fun" to have Trump in charge, she said, "because we can eat candy all day and stay up late and not follow the rules." 

Obama said Americans will one day look back and see how each of those different approaches made them feel in the long run. 

She also lamented Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential defeat, calling her "the best-qualified candidate." 

"She wasn’t perfect, but she was way more perfect than many of the alternatives," Obama said. 

The former first lady also reiterated her unwillingness to make her own run for office, saying she doesn't have the required "passion for politics." 

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