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College students still often find spouses on campus

Cara Newlon
  • Religious colleges make up a significant proportion of the top 25 %22marrying%22 colleges for both men and women.
  • The Facebook study showed a significant correlation between how religious the school is and the rate of married college-graduates.
Emma and Devin Johnson

In 2013, women generally don't go to college for their "MRS" degrees — meaning, going to college to find a young man with a good education and high earning potential — instead, they often focus on education and career before getting married.

A 2011 Pew Research survey found that the median age of first marriage was around 27 for women and 29 for men — years after college graduation.

That doesn't mean college students have stopped finding their fiancés in the undergraduate dating pool.

A Facebook Data Sciences study released last week found that about 28% of married graduates attended the same college as their spouse. About 15% of individuals on Facebook attended the same high school as their spouse.

Though the results are limited by the population on Facebook and how diligently users update their relationship statuses, people clearly are still meeting their future partners in college.

That doesn't necessarily mean college students are marrying straight after graduation.

"I think it's about who we connect with through the technology, what events and parties we even go to once we move away from college," says Michelle Golland, a relationship expert and practicing clinical psychologist based in Los Angeles. "We may stay connected through certain friends. A lot of my 20-somethings are going on dates with people who end up being friends of friends on Facebook."

The Facebook Data Science study showed a significant correlation between how religious the school is and the rate of married college-graduates.

Religious colleges make up a significant proportion of the top 25 "marrying" colleges for both men and women. At Brigham Young University, for example, about 60% of women and 62% of men attended college with their spouse.

"Most of my good friends got engaged around April, May (of their graduating year)," says Emma Fuller Johnson, 22.

Johnson graduated from Brigham Young in May and married her fiancé directly after. "It's honestly just part of Mormon culture. All our parents got married super young. The only reason to date is to get married."

Johnson met her fiancé the summer before her junior year, and he proposed a year and a half later — right before Thanksgiving.

"I dated a lot longer than most Mormons date," Johnson says. "My parents dated for three months. My sister got married after her sophomore year of college."

At Brigham Young, the pressure to find a fiancé is huge. The Mormon religion, Johnson says, is such a "culture of living" that intermarriage becomes essential.

"I feel like they probably do feel like they're left behind," Johnson says of her unmarried peers. "People feel like if they don't meet [their fiancés] at BYU where there are so many Mormons … there's pressure."

For Johnson, early marriage has been nothing but a "fairy tale dream."

"People give me gifts that are like kitchen appliances instead of clothes," Johnson says. "Which is kind of a bummer. Marriage is super normal here. I used to be in groups with boys, and they'd talk about their [future] kids."

Religion is not the only factor for the likelihood of collegiate marriage.

At Rose-Hulman Insitute of Technology, a small non-religious undergraduate engineering school, 70% of women attended college with their spouse. Men make up about 88% of the school's population.

Schools with uneven male-female gender ratio make snagging a spouse in college more likely — at least for women.

The study found a moderate correlation between conservatism and marriage rate.

Abby Lantzy, 22, got engaged to her boyfriend of five years in southern Italy. They were backpacking together through Europe — a graduation present to themselves. They both attended the same high school in Sterling, Va., and graduated from James Madison University together in 2013.

"He's been my first and only serious boyfriend, and now my last," Lantzy says. "I'm kind of cheesy that way. He's the first boy I've ever kissed, and he'll be the last boy I've ever kissed."

Lantzy grew up in a strict Roman Catholic family, but her fiancé did not. Religion did not factor into their decision to get engaged early.

"We had been together for so long, everyone was kind of expecting us to," Lantzy says. "No surprise to anyone. It's really comforting now to be engaged and have that constant reminder that we always love each other."

Golland cautions against early marriage.

"I told my 9-year-old that people don't get married until 30," she says. "Do it after graduate school. Because it's about adulthood. Your brain is still growing until you're about 25."

Johnson couldn't be happier. "I felt the prettiest I had ever felt in my whole life," she said of her wedding in May. "It was so perfect."

Cara Newlon is a senior at Brown University.

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