Topics Autocomplete Lessons (Legacy)


The Topics Autocomplete Lessons module in the Uncanny LearnDash Toolkit does exactly what its name suggests: if all topics in a lesson are marked as completed, the Lessons is marked as completed automatically and the user is directed to the next lesson. This eliminates the situation of users having to return to a lesson page they’ve already seen and manually marking the lesson as completed.

Simply turn this module on from the Toolkit settings page to have lessons automatically completed when all associated topics are completed.

Note: With the course navigation changes introduced in LearnDash 4.11, this module is considered redundant with LearnDash functionality and is no longer recommended for sites running LearnDash 4.11 or higher.

4 replies
  1. Ian Schnee
    Ian Schnee says:

    I thought when I turn on this feature, the Mark Complete button for the lessons would be hidden, but it is still there. Is this plugin supposed to hide it? My learndash version is legacy, not 3.0, so I’m wondering if I upgrade that, would that fix it? I want to use learndash with your automator, and get the Mark Complete buttons for Lessons hidden. Thanks for the help!

    • Ryan
      Ryan says:

      For specific issues we always recommend logging a support ticket. It’s the best way for us to track and follow up on issues.

      Is the user signed in? Is the course open? Is it linear progression? Those types of things might explain why you’re seeing the button. It wouldn’t be because of the template you’re using though (unless you mean you’re using a LearnDash version below 3.0).

  2. Ian Schnee
    Ian Schnee says:

    I’ve enabled the option in the toolkit that topics autocomplete lessons, but I was hoping this would remove the Mark Complete button on the lessons. Sometimes the Mark Complete button on the lesson is not there, but now it is there on my lessons that I haven’t completed. I’ve purchased the toolkit pro in the past, but I don’t want the Autocomplete option of the pro toolkit, because I want students to still have to click Mark complete on topics. Can I eliminate the Mark complete button on lessons? Thanks!

    • Ryan
      Ryan says:

      Hi Ian,

      It really sounds like this module should be doing what you want it to: allowing the Mark Complete button on topics, but hiding it on lessons that are triggered by topic completions. Any chance the course is Open or non-Linear though? If a course is free form that might explain it.



Please note that this is not a support forum. If you are experiencing issues on your site, please open a support ticket instead. Site-specific support questions submitted as comments will be unanswered.

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