Learner Transcript


The Learner Transcript module is part of the Pro Suite of modules for the Uncanny LearnDash Toolkit. Enabling this module and adding the associated shortcode/block to a page will generate a printable transcript for the active learner. It’s an easy way for learners to see a consolidated view of their overall course progress.

Transcript Content

The transcript is output as a table with a customizable header and footer.  Here’s a description of the available transcript columns:

  • Course: A course the user is enrolled in (includes all course types: closed, open and free). The transcript displays all courses the user is currently enrolled in, as well as courses the user has previously completed.
  • Status: The current course status: Not Started, In Progress, Completed (with date)
  • Steps: The number of steps in the course (lessons + topics)
  • Avg. Score: The average score the user attained across all quizzes in the course.  If quizzes are attempted multiple times, only the highest attempt will be counted.  Failed quizzes are not included in the average.
  • Final Score: The score the user attained on:
    • The quiz associated with the course
    • If there is no quiz associated with the course, the quiz associated with the last lesson in the course.
  • Certificate:  If the user has earned a certificate for the course, an icon will be displayed with a link to the certificate.

Live Demo

See this module in action on our LearnDash demo site!

Module Settings

  • Display completed courses only: Only show courses the user has completed in the transcript.
  • Display courses that the user is no longer enrolled in: Show all courses the user has recorded progress in, even if they are no longer enrolled in the course.
  • Accent UI color: Specify an accent color that will be used in the generated transcript.  Useful for coordinating the transcript with your brand standards or logo.
  • Logo URL: Insert a link to an image that will be displayed at the top of the transcript.
  • Heading: Text that appears below your logo.
  • Organization: The name of the organization issuing the transcript.
  • Table course sorting: Select the order in which courses will appear on the transcript.
  • Disable ______ column: Check to prevent the specified column from appearing on the transcript.
  • Enable Custom CEUs rows: Include custom learning credits in the transcript. If our Continuing Education Credits plugin is installed and enabled and a user has been awarded custom credits, checking this will add rows for those records. Please note that because records like scores and steps are not applicable for custom credit records, we output “n/a” in those columns for custom records.
  • Logo URL (Footer): Insert a link to an image that will be displayed at the bottom of the transcript.
  • Disclaimer: Insert text that will be displayed at the bottom of the transcript.



Block name: Learner Transcript

The transcript shortcode or block can be added to any page. It supports the following attributes:

Attribute NameDescriptionAttribute ValuesDefault Value
logo-urlSpecify the URL of an image that will be included at the top of the transcript.any image URLEmpty
date-formatEnter a format to use for dates in the transcript (see https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/customize-date-and-time-format/)any valid date format"F j, Y"
categorySpecify a WordPress category to show courses only from the selected categoryany category slug"all"
ld_categorySpecify a LearnDash category to show courses only from the selected categoryany LearnDash category slug"all"

Transcript Page

The transcript can be quite large, so we recommend that you create a dedicated page for the transcript. Transcripts are only available to signed in users; there’s no way for administrators to view transcripts for all users. If this is required, consider using the User Switching plugin and then switch to the user and view the transcript as that user.

Transcript Printing

To print the transcript, use the Print button above the logo area rather than the browser’s print function.  Printing may vary by browser.

Continuing Education Credits/Hours

This module integrates with the Uncanny Continuing Education Credits plugin to display a number of available/earned credits or hours beside each course in the transcript:

To learn more about this functionality, see Adding Credits to Student Transcript.

Group Leader access

Group Leaders can access student transcripts via the Group Course Report in Uncanny Groups. More information is available in the Using Group Reports article.

Overriding the Transcript template

Update: As of Uncanny LearnDash Toolkit Pro version 3.1, you can edit files in an upgrade-safe way using overrides.   Copy the template into a directory within your theme named /uncanny-toolkit/, keeping the same file structure but removing the /templates/ subdirectory.

For example, to override the transcript template, copy:


The copied file will now override the default template in the Uncanny Toolkit.

Warning: Do not edit these files within the the Uncanny Toolkit plugin itself, as they are overwritten during the upgrade process and any customizations will be lost.

18 replies
  1. Halle Brake
    Halle Brake says:

    Hi! I love this! However, I’d like to suggest a feature (or if this already exists I’d love to know) – A shortcode or option to change the color of the big blue bar at the top of the transcript. I know I can change some of the text, but it doesn’t seem that it’s possible to change that bar. It definitely clashes with my theme.


    • Ken Young
      Ken Young says:

      Hi Halle, the transcript module has a setting for “Primary UI Color”. This controls the color of the bar. You can access it from the Toolkit settings page by clicking the gear icon on the Learner Transcript module.

  2. ganesh
    ganesh says:

    May I know whether the course author can see only his/her published courses and the list of enrolled students with names for a particular course which is published by him, in the front end.

    • Ryan
      Ryan says:

      This module is ONLY for end users; the transcript is just shown for the signed in users. There is no way to choose other users. As an aside, none of our plugins support course authors viewing results for students of those courses. We have some reporting options for Group Leaders (not this module), but not authors.


        Is it possible to see the list of enrolled students for a particular course in the front end, for the signed in users who created the courses.

        • Ryan
          Ryan says:

          None of our plugins consider course author whatsoever. If the author is not also a Group Leader then none of our reports will work based on their status as the author.

  3. Sivaji Ganesh Chundu
    Sivaji Ganesh Chundu says:

    Is there any free trail available for Tin Canny Learn Dash reporting plugin or any refund policy once you buy the plugin.

  4. Zac Hitchcock
    Zac Hitchcock says:

    With this Leanrer Transcipt plugin in, is it possible to view and print a learners entrie course submission (questions and answers) and print in a PDF?

    • Ryan
      Ryan says:

      I’m afraid this isn’t possible. The transcript is meant to be a summarized record of course completions, so it includes average quiz scores and course completion records only.

  5. Amir
    Amir says:

    Several users on our site asked if we could include the modules/topics in their transcript so they can print and use that info for their admin needs/purposes? I know this information is easily available through the reporting panel but that’s only accessible by a group leader… but I promised I was going to investigate it for them. Thank you! Great set of plugins, by the way!

    • Ryan
      Ryan says:

      Sorry Amir, we don’t have a solution that’s user-facing and printable that includes lesson and topic completions. I’m afraid it’s not likely that we’ll release something in a public plugin either; for many sites, outputting lessons and topics in a PDF file would just be very large and awkward. The Course Dashboard module in Toolkit Pro gives students an online-only method of seeing this data, but it’s a drill-down tool because it can be a lot of data/rows.

    • Ryan
      Ryan says:

      Sorry Klaus, right now we only offer transcripts for course completions. I’m afraid we don’t offer any reporting tools that offer a list of all topics completed by a user.

  6. Fabyweb
    Fabyweb says:

    Why does the course disappear from the transcript when the course has expired?
    Is it possible to keep the courses done on transcription?

    • Ryan
      Ryan says:

      Thanks for the feedback. We have discussed this since your comment and it’s likely that we will offer the option of also showing records for courses in which the user isn’t enrolled. We don’t have a firm date yet, but sometime in the next 2 months is probable.

  7. Mohammad
    Mohammad says:


    How could we exclude free course samples from the academic year transcript?
    The code is just like that: [uo_transcript]

    Please, If there any transient solution like a code to be added to wp-content/themes/yourtheme/uncanny-toolkit/transcript.php, will be really appreciated.

    Thank You

    • Ryan
      Ryan says:

      It’s a good point. In an upcoming release we’ll add support for outputting courses by category, which would allow more control over which courses are listed here.



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