Optimize Benchmark Against Competitors

Benchmark your brand's performance against competitors, over time, and across regions.

Explore ways to evaluate your brand's standing in the social landscape:

Competitive Set Handpick Competitors for
In-depth Analysis

Track competitive, complementary, or aspirational brands to analyze and benchmark your brand within the context of your industry vertical.

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Gauge your Share of

Track the influential voices talking about your brand, compared to your competitors, to see where you stand in the social landscape.

Monitor trends and performance within your category

Observe performance trends across all competitors with customizable charts and visualizations.

Conduct 1-to-1 brand comparisons

Get a close-up look at your competitor’s strategy to identify new opportunities to strengthen your own program

Performance Insights Leverage Performance Insights to Maintain Your Lead

Visualize how well your brand is sustaining growth compared to similar brands, while also controlling for seasonal effects and long-term trends.
Benchmark Performance Section
  • Better understand market performance Map your brand’s short and long term performance relative to average changes experienced by your set of chosen competitors.
  • Measure momentum over time Contextualize the magnitude and speed at which your brand is sustaining growth.
  • Optimize for longterm success Differentiate between recent wins and consistent over-performance to consider brand strengths and identify opportunities for growth.

Community Insights A Clear View of Community Composition

Characterize your creator community and identify areas of advantage or opportunity relative to your chosen competitors.
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  • Adopt a creator-first point of view Use community data to confirm your marketing approach and assess how well you retain influential creators.
  • Use community health to size-up the competitionCompare your brand's community size, follower count, and retention against competitors to fine-tune your tactics.
  • Outpace competitors by investing in community health Leverage insights to set goals, optimize campaign planning, and strengthen relationships with creators for improved performance.

 Community Metrics Measure the Impact of Your
Creator Community

Compare brand performance relative to community size and impact to identify what creators and content are driving the most value and awareness for you.
  • Easily evaluate community impact Compare yours and your competitors’ potency (avg. EMV per creator) and frequency (avg. posts per creator) metrics to deduce optimal community size and engagement.
  • Move the needle by focusing on impact metricsOptimize for potency and frequency in content analysis and campaigns to foster community health and enhance effectiveness.
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Ready to raise the bar on what creators can deliver for your business?