Archives - Phishing Emails

Beware the bait: dodging phony emails and tricky links

Ever get an email that seems a little too good to be true? Maybe it promises a surprise photo or warns of some urgent online danger. Hold on! These sneaky emails might be laced with malware, just waiting to infect your device. Here’s how to be a champion email skeptic: By being cautious and questioning […]

Suspicious email? Don’t click! Here’s how to spot a phishing scam

Ever get an email that just feels…off? Maybe it’s from a friend but the tone seems strange, or it has an urgent request out of the blue. Hold on! These could be phishing scams. Here’s how to stay safe: Phishing for Information: Scammers use phishing emails to trick you into revealing personal information like passwords […]

Feeling the email spam overload – fight back

Getting bombarded by spam emails? Don’t despair, most email platforms offer a secret weapon: the report spam button. Think of spam as unwanted guests at your digital door. Reporting them is like notifying a security guard, who can help keep them out in the future. Here’s how to fight the spam invasion: Reporting spam helps […]

Be wary of digital disguises: protect your info

Ever receive an email that seems legit, asking for your personal details? Or stumble upon a website that looks real but feels…off? Be cautious, tech adventurer. These could be phishing attempts – bad actors trying to steal your information. Imagine a wolf in sheep’s clothing, luring you in to take your data. Phishing emails and […]

Ransomware: how does it sneak in?

Ransomware, that digital bully holding your files hostage, can strike in different ways. Let’s explore its sneaky delivery methods: 1. Phishing Emails: Imagine getting an email that looks like it’s from your bank, friend, or even a famous company. It might urge you to click a link or open an attachment. Don’t fall for it. […]

How to avoid being a phishing victim

Phishing is a type of cyberattack where criminals try to trick you into revealing personal information or clicking on malicious links. Phishing emails often look like they’re from a legitimate company, such as your bank or credit card company. But they’re actually designed to steal your information or infect your device with malware. Here are […]