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Security & Safety Resource Center

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Security Tip of the Day

Daily tips to create awareness of cyber threats and empower Total Defense users to be safer and more secure online with our security tips and resources..

July 2024

Secure home office–encryption for BYOD

Working from home is awesome, but it can get tricky when using your own devices (BYOD) and Wi-Fi. Here’s the thing: your personal laptop or phone might not have the same security muscle as your work computer. So, how do you keep your company’s data safe? Encryption is your secret weapon!

  • BYOD Blues: Bring Your Own Device sounds convenient, but it can be a security risk. Your personal device might not have the same fancy security features as your work computer.
  • Encryption to the Rescue: Luckily, both Windows and macOS have built-in encryption options. Think of encryption like a digital vault – it scrambles your files with a secret code, making them unreadable to anyone without the key.
  • Activate! Enabling encryption on your BYOD device is easy. A quick search online will show you how to do it for your specific operating system. It’s like putting a force field around your work files, keeping them safe and sound.
  • Password Power: Once encryption is on, you’ll need to create a strong password to unlock the vault. Don’t use your birthday or pet’s name! Choose a complex password and keep it safe (not written on a sticky note under your keyboard!).
  • Back it Up: Encryption is great, but it’s not foolproof. Always back up your important files regularly, just in case. Think of it as a double layer of protection – encryption keeps your data safe from prying eyes, and backups ensure you don’t lose anything even if something goes wrong.

By using encryption on your BYOD device, you can transform your home office from a security nightmare into a safe and secure space to work.


Ransomware: don’t let your files get kidnapped

Ever heard of ransomware? It’s kind of like a digital kidnapper, taking your important files hostage and demanding a ransom to release them. Here’s how it works:

  • File Snatchers: Ransomware sneaks onto your computer and starts hunting for your precious files – documents, photos, music – anything it can lock down.
  • Locked Up Tight: Once it finds your files, the ransomware scrambles them with a complex code, making them impossible to open. It’s like putting your files in a digital safe with a super-secret combination.
  • The Ransom Note: After locking up your files, the ransomware leaves a nasty message – a ransom note demanding payment (usually in cryptocurrency) to get the decryption key (the code to unlock your files).
  • Pay or Play?: This is where things get tough. Do you pay the ransom and hope to get your files back? Or do you try to restore them from backups (which is way better, but we’ll get to that later)?
  • Fight Back!: The good news is that security experts are constantly working on ways to fight ransomware. By keeping your software up to date and having good backups, you can make yourself a much less attractive target.

Ransomware can be scary, but by being informed and taking precautions, you can protect yourself.


Update now, relax later—automatic updates for a worry-free digital life

We’ve all been there: that nagging pop-up reminding you to update your software. Easy to just hit snooze, right? But those updates are like digital armor patches, fixing security holes hackers might exploit. Here’s why automatic updates are your best friend:

  • Stay Ahead of the Hackers: Imagine a tiny hole in your armor – that’s what an unpatched vulnerability is like. Hackers can sneak through and wreak havoc on your system. Automatic updates act like a watchful knight, constantly patching those holes before any harm is done.
  • Don’t Be the Weak Link: New security threats emerge all the time. By automatically updating, you ensure your devices have the latest defenses, making you a much tougher target for hackers. Remember, in the digital world, being behind on updates is like showing up to battle in your pajamas!
  • Peace of Mind, One Update at a Time: Constant update reminders can be annoying, but they’re also a security reminder. Automatic updates take that worry off your plate, letting you relax and enjoy your devices without constant security anxieties.
  • Reboot Reality: Sometimes updates require a restart to take effect. Automatic reboots ensure those updates actually do their job. Think of it like putting on your new armor – the reboot makes sure it fits perfectly and protects you fully.
  • Set It and Forget It: Enabling automatic updates and reboots might sound scary, but it’s actually super convenient. Let your devices take care of the technical stuff while you focus on what matters.

By using automatic updates and reboots, you can transform your devices from vulnerable targets into security fortresses.


Strong security chain—why who you interact with matters

We all love a good deal, but when it comes to your online security, cutting corners can backfire. Here’s the deal: your security is only as strong as the weakest link in the chain. That means even if you’re super careful at home, a security gap with another company can still expose your data.

  • The Chain Reaction: Imagine your online world as a chain – your home network, your internet provider, the apps you use, all the links that connect you to the digital world. If one link is weak (a company with lax security practices), it can compromise the entire chain and expose your data.
  • Security Savvy Squad: So, when choosing companies you interact with online, from your internet service provider (ISP) to that cool new fitness tracker, make sure they’re a security-minded crew. Research their practices – do they have strong encryption? Do they update their software regularly? Choose companies that take your security as seriously as you do!
  • Beyond Passwords: Security goes beyond just passwords. Look for companies that offer extra layers of protection, like two-factor authentication and data encryption. The more security features, the stronger the chain!
  • Ask Away! Don’t be afraid to ask companies about their security practices. Their transparency is a good sign. A company that’s confident in its security will be happy to answer your questions.
  • Shop Smart, Stay Secure: By being selective about the companies you trust with your data, you can transform your online experience from a security gamble to a safe and secure adventure. So go forth and explore, but choose your digital crew wisely!

App authority—take back control with permissions

We all love apps – they make our lives easier, funnier, more connected. But hold on – do those apps need access to your entire life story? Here’s how to be a smartphone security superhero and control what permissions your apps have:

  • Permission Patrol: Your phone lets you review the permissions each app has, like access to your camera, microphone, or location. Think of it as a digital permission slip – some access makes sense (a photo-sharing app needing your camera), but some might not (a flashlight app needing your contacts?).
  • Permission Purge: Not all requested permissions are created equal. If an app asks for something you don’t think it needs (like a game wanting access to your microphone), it’s time for a permission purge! Deny unnecessary access and keep your data under your control.
  • App Banishment: Some apps might have a laundry list of permission requests. If an app seems to be asking for way too much information, consider deleting it altogether. There are probably other apps out there that do the same thing with less data snooping.
  • The Big Five: Be extra cautious with apps that request access to your “Big Five”: contacts, camera, storage, location, and microphone. These are powerful tools, and only apps with a legitimate reason should have access. Think twice before granting permission!
  • Permission Power: Taking control of app permissions is a simple but powerful way to protect your privacy. By keeping a watchful eye, you can transform your phone from a data-sharing machine into a secure and personalized device.

So go forth and explore the app world but remember – you’re in charge!


Beware the bait: dodging phony emails and tricky links

Ever get an email that seems a little too good to be true? Maybe it promises a surprise photo or warns of some urgent online danger. Hold on! These sneaky emails might be laced with malware, just waiting to infect your device. Here’s how to be a champion email skeptic:

  • Think Before You Click: This golden rule applies to all emails, even from seemingly familiar senders. Emails can be spoofed, meaning hackers can disguise their address to look like someone you know. Don’t automatically trust every link or attachment – take a moment to question its legitimacy.
  • Suspicious Subject Lines? Red Flag! Emails with sensational subject lines like “OMG! You won’t believe this!” are classic phishing attempts. These emails try to create a sense of urgency or excitement to trick you into clicking. If the subject line sounds fishy, it probably is!
  • Misspelled Mayhem: Professional emails from your bank or employer likely won’t have typos or grammatical errors. Emails riddled with mistakes could be a sign of a malicious sender trying to slip under your radar. Trust your gut – if something looks poorly written, it might be a trap.
  • Attachment Anxiety? Don’t Open! Unless you’re expecting a specific attachment from a trusted source, avoid opening unknown files. Malware can disguise itself as harmless documents or photos. When in doubt, delete it out!
  • Verify Before You Click: If you’re unsure about a link, hover your mouse over it (without clicking!). A preview of the actual URL should appear. Does it match the text in the email? If it looks suspicious, don’t click!

By being cautious and questioning suspicious emails, you can transform your inbox from a minefield of malware into a safe space for communication.


Use built-in content filtering for a safer online experience

The internet is a vast and wonderful place, but let’s face it, there are some corners you just don’t want your family or devices wandering into. Blocking websites one-by-one can feel like playing whack-a-mole with new threats popping up all the time. Here’s a better solution: built-in content filtering!

  • Beyond the Block List: Imagine trying to keep your kids out of every single puddle after a rainstorm – it’s an endless battle! Traditional “block lists” are like that – they can’t keep up with the ever-changing online landscape.
  • Filtering Power: Modern Wi-Fi solutions offer built-in content filtering that goes beyond simple block lists. These filters can use IP addresses, locations, or even specific URLs to block access to unsafe websites. Think of it as a digital fence, keeping your devices away from unwanted areas of the internet.
  • Malicious Malware Blocker: Not all bad websites are obvious. Some can be cleverly disguised, hiding malicious content that can infect your devices. Content filtering helps block these hidden threats before they can cause any damage. It’s like having a security guard at your digital gate, checking IDs and making sure only safe websites can enter.
  • Finding the Right Fit: Not all Wi-Fi routers offer content filtering, but many do! When shopping for a new router, look for one with built-in filtering options. It’s a small investment for a big boost in online safety.
  • Customize Your Comfort Level: Most content filtering options allow you to customize the level of protection. You can choose to block specific categories of websites, like gambling or social media, or set more general filters for younger users.

By using built-in content filtering, like the web protection tools found in Total Defense products, you can transform your Wi-Fi network from a potential minefield into a safe and secure space for everyone. So go forth and explore the web with confidence, knowing your family and devices are protected!


Beware mystery wi-fi networks

Free Wi-Fi – sounds tempting, right? But hold on a sec! Those unknown networks popping up on your phone or computer can be more trouble than they’re worth. Here’s why you should be cautious of mystery Wi-Fi:

  • The Spooky Signal: Imagine a stranger showing up at your door. That’s kind of like an unknown Wi-Fi access point (AP). You don’t know who set it up, and connecting to it could expose your device to security risks.
  • Intrusion Illusion: Most Wi-Fi access points have built-in “intrusion protection” features. Think of it like a digital guard dog, watching for suspicious activity. By enabling intrusion protection, you make it harder for unknown APs to interfere with your network or for rogue devices to sneak in.
  • The IT Whisperer (That’s You!): When intrusion protection detects something fishy, it sends an alert – to you, the IT administrator (don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it sounds!). This way, you can investigate the unknown AP and decide whether to shut it down.
  • Stick to the Known: The best advice? When it comes to Wi-Fi, stick to trusted networks you know and use regularly. Public Wi-Fi can be a security gamble, so avoid connecting to unknown APs unless absolutely necessary.
  • Public Wi-Fi Tip: If you do need to use public Wi-Fi, avoid accessing sensitive information like bank accounts or credit cards. It’s best to wait until you’re on a secure network.

By being cautious of unknown Wi-Fi access points, you can transform your Wi-Fi experience from a potential security nightmare into a safe and secure way to connect.