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Today I learned there is a messaging service in Google Maps, and now it’s going away

Today I learned there is a messaging service in Google Maps, and now it’s going away


The built-in business messaging service in Google Maps and Search will stop working in July.

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Image of the Google “G” logo on a blue, black, and purple background.
Illustration: The Verge

I’ve been using Google Maps for years, and I never knew there was an option to message businesses in the app — that is until I saw this post from Search Engine Land, which says it’s going away.

The feature, called business profile chat, lets you message a business through the Google Maps and Search apps to ask questions, book an appointment, or request quotes. If a company has business profile chat enabled, you’ll see a “Chat” option next to the “Call” and “Directions” icons in Maps or Search. Tap on it, and you can start a conversation.

I’ve never noticed the “Chat” option on Google Maps.
I’ve never noticed the “Chat” option on Google Maps.
Image: The Verge

But now, it’s headed to the Google graveyard. In a notice posted to its website, Google says it will no longer offer the ability for customers to start new conversations in Google Maps and Search on July 15th, 2024, and will cut off existing conversations on July 31st, 2024. Businesses have until August 30th, 2024, to download their conversation history through Google Takeout.

“We’re winding down a few lesser used Google Business Profile features — merchant chat and call history — so we can focus on the tools merchants and their customers value most,” Google spokesperson Molly Shaheen says in a statement to The Verge. “We’ll continue to prioritize high-impact features to help merchants connect with customers and grow their business.” 

Like Google’s other messaging services, the history of business profile chat is a little confusing. As pointed out by Ars Technica, Google first started letting customers message businesses on Maps in 2017, but it would open up the conversation in your SMS app or Google Allo (RIP) rather than in Maps itself. Google built messaging directly into Maps in 2018.

Even though I never knew this feature existed, it seems like it would’ve been a handy way to get in touch with a business without calling them. After July 15th, you’ll have to use the business messaging services offered by Apple, WhatsApp, or Facebook Messenger instead.

Update May 31st, 10:56AM ET: Added a statement from Google.