Special Features

Sysadmin Month

The death of the sysadmin has been predicted for years – we're not holding our breath

We'd sure like to see a bot unpick a failed update or handle users struggling to find the 'any' key

Register Kettle We've seen a slew of claims lately once again predicting dire times ahead for IT system administrators: if they're not under threat from AI and outsourcing, they face an increasingly demanding work atmosphere.

IDC suggested there will be a slump in sysadmin jobs. That said, outsourcing is perhaps going out of style.

Ultimately, if your infrastructure falls over, who do you want to fix it: someone tangible and accountable with experience, or some kind of inscrutable automation that itself is probably a pain to maintain?

Some of our vultures, who write and edit the news you read, mulled it all over during this week's 15-minute Kettle chat, which you can watch below. We got the gang back together again after a break for vacation and whatnot.

Clockwise from top left in the thumbnail, we have Tobias Mann, Jessica Lyons Hardcastle, host Iain Thomson, and Chris Williams. Produced and edited by Nicole Hemsoth. Check it out, let us know if you agree. ®

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