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Power: The ultimate web-based commodity

Reg Lecture reveals what it is, where to find it

Events If you've ever wondered who really controls today's upside-down, digital-soaked world, you should really join us next month when we consider "The Secrets of Power in the Digital Age".

Carl Miller's upcoming book, Power, will examine all these questions and he joins us on November 7 to talk about his efforts to track down and expose the new forms of power that shape, guide and limit each of our lives, on and offline.

Carl's journey has encompassed the hikkikomori in South Korea – who never, ever leave their homes, and live their lives entirely online – to rockstar e-sports gamers. He has examined the disinformation and fake news pumped out by Russia and met the amateur online journalists trying to confront them, as well as the political parties obsessed with digital campaigning and the people building technology to get rid of parties altogether.

And this has all been informed by his day jobs as co-founder of the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media and a visiting fellow at Kings College London.

The lecture takes place at the Yorkshire Grey on Theobalds Road, London. The doors will be open from 6.30pm, with the talk proper kicking off at 7pm.

As with all Register Lectures, after the talk we'll break for a drink and a bite, before opening the floor to questions, giving you the opportunity to discuss power – whether you have it, want it, or are just scared of it.

We hope you'll join us for what will be an illuminating, stimulating, and possibly scary, evening.

Full details here. ®

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