Joe Biden requested a covid test due to illness before last week's presidential debate - saying he suffered 'bad day' and admitting he did not perform his best.

Speaking in his first TV interview since going head-to-head with Donald Trump in the first presidential debate of 2024, Biden described how he felt unwell in the build-up - suspecting he may have covid before tests confirmed he had a severe cold.

When questioned on whether his poor performance was indicative of a more serious issue, Biden told ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos: "It was a bad episode. no indication of serious condition - I was exhausted less than my instincts in terms of preparing and it was a bad night."

READ MORE: Joe Biden hasn't been fit for office for 'months' as more 'bad days' ahead, White House insider says

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Biden called last week's debate a "bad episode" (
Getty Images)

Stephanopoulos questions why Biden felt so tired having spent six days at Camp David preparing for the debate. Biden responded: "Because I was feeling sick, I was feeling terrible - the docs with me did a COVID test to see of I had an infection or virus. I didn't, I had a cold."

Despite concern following his lacklustre debate, Biden said he would not step down as Democratic nominee. The bold, defiant claim comes amid rumors that high-ranking members of his own party are attempting to have him replaced as the nominee for the presidency as he runs for reelection this November.

Biden said he felt sick on the night of the debate

The campaign aide, who spoke to The Associated Press under the condition of anonymity, revealed the nature of the phone call as three other insiders told the news agency that both the president and Vice President Kamala Harris made surprise appearances on another phone call the same day with the Democratic National Committee.

"I am running. I am the leader of the Democratic Party. No one is pushing me out," the top aide said, posting the comments on X. The other officials revealed that the later call with the Democratic National Committee was a pep talk, and it stressed the stakes of the election as members of the committee implored Biden to adhere to his comments after the disastrous debate last Thursday in which he said he would get back up after he was brutally knocked down by his rival, former President and Republican Donald Trump.

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Biden is fighting to prove to his supporters that he still has a chance in the presidential election

The leaked quotes are just one of several efforts being made by the president and his top aides as they work damage control, attempting to cinch key allies who seemed to forsake him after his debate performance — which saw him freeze on stage at times as he spoke with a brittle, weak verbal cadence.

Reports indicate that Democrats have been largely unsatisfied with the explanations Biden and White House officials have given regarding his performance, which have included that he was sick at the time. The excuses have sparked a deep frustration among many Democrats, it was reported, who would have liked to have seen Biden handle many questions differently and much sooner about his lackluster performance.

They say Biden has put them in a difficult position by staying in the race. White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients urged staffers on Wednesday during an all-staff meeting to tune out what he called "noise" and simply focus on governing, it was revealed.