Everyone has different parenting styles. Abbey Fickley opened up on TikTok about the rules she has for her children. Some of them may be considered unconventional. She explained there are five things she doesn’t care about when it comes to her children.

The first is swear words. Her family calls them home words, because they are words the kids are only allowed to use at home. “This is a privilege, so if you use a swear word to be unkind to another person, that privilege is revoked. Ultimately, I want to be the person that teaches my daughter context, swear words included.”

She revealed that even though she’s allowed, her daughter doesn’t swear. That’s because when things are no longer a big deal, kids aren’t interested in them. Another is missing school for mental health. Abbey said life is hard, not just for adults, so she’s lenient if they need a day to unwind.

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  • “Your mental health is more important to me, and I want you to know that I’m listening to you when you communicate to me, and I want to reward you for that communication.”

    She lets her daughter have play dates anytime as well. She said there’s very few rules surrounding play dates, other than the other children and parents treat them with respect.

    “I really didn’t work this hard to get this home to not fill it with love and laughter.”

    When it comes to adults around her daughter, she’s less concerned about them being an authority figure and more concerned about them being safe to be around.

    Abbey doesn’t want her daughter to blindly obey an authority figure simply because they are in that position.

    Lastly, she doesn’t care what kind of music her daughter listens to, as long as it’s not offensive or promoting violence.

    “If my daughter’s ever having a rough day or she’s in a mood and she needs to go blast some Ice Spice, honestly that’s none of my business babe.”