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Campfire cooking: This is the absolute best way to make a pot hanger

Make the most of campfire cooking with this ingenious pot hanger guide

a group of happy young friends relaxing and enjoying summer evening around campfire on the river bank
shock / Adobe Stock

Campfire cooking is an art form. Sure, you can always just skewer a sausage or a s’more and roast it directly over the heat, but with a little camping cooking gear, you can elevate your camp cooking to new heights. With the cooler nights of fall just around the corner, camp cooking becomes even more important, as you’ll need the extra calories to stay warm overnight. There are plenty of styles of campfire cooking to explore, and a suspended pot over your fire is one of the most versatile.

By hanging a pot or a kettle over your fire, you can keep your dish away from direct heat, but retain a rolling boil or a gentle simmer. This means you can always have hot water ready and waiting for a cup of coffee, heat yourself a cowboy casserole of beans and ground beef to pour over a biscuit, or simmer a stew for a substantial meal under the stars.

There are several ways to hang a pot over the fire, from a tripod above the fire to a spit roast-style pole. But when you want to have a fully adjustable pole system, there really is only one style of pot hanger for you. Grab your survival knife, get some sticks, and start whittling your own campfire pot hanger.

How to make your own campfire pot hanger

A campfire pot hanger holds a kettle over a stone circle
Tom Kilpatrick / The Manual

First, you need the tools for the job. You need a sharp survival knife, a folding saw, and a pot or kettle suitable for hanging — that’s it.

Step 1: Collect your sticks using your folding saw. You will need one long stick for suspending your pot hanger, one shorter stick, ideally with a hook at the base for hanging your pot from, and two Y-shaped sticks to act as the rest and the pegs. For cooking, you would ideally use green sticks as they will be less susceptible to burning, but for practicing this, you can use drier sticks, rather than cutting live trees.

Step 2: To create the notches in your hanging stick to adjust the height, first carve three V-shapes into the stick, facing down toward your pot hanging arm. These should be on the same side of the stick as your hanging arm, otherwise, your pot hanger will unbalance and fall.

A stick with a V-shaped carved into it
Tom Kilpatrick / The Manual

Step 3: Carve out the bottom, and either side of the Vs that you have carved. You should be left with an upward, diagonal groove in the stick and an overhang — often referred to as a beak.

Stick for pot hanger
Tom Kilpatrick / The Manual

Step 4: Repeat this three times to give you three heights — or heat settings — on your hanger. If your chosen stick does not have a branch that you can use as a pot hanger, carve another of these up the other way at the base of the stick to hang your pot from.

Three notches carved into a stick
Tom Kilpatrick / The Manual

Step 5: Carve the end of your long stick until it is flat. This should slot into the grooves you have just carved in your hanging stick and fit neatly under the beak. This will form your hanging system.

A flattened end of a stick slots into a pre-carved groove on another as part of a pot hanging system
Tom Kilpatrick / The Manual

Step 6: Sharpen the base of your Y-shaped stick so it can be pushed into the ground. This stick will form a rest for your suspension pole.

A Y-shaped stick with a sharpened base
Tom Kilpatrick / The Manual

Step 7: Next, carve the ends of a smaller Y-shaped stick to a point. This still will act as a peg system, holding the end of your long stick into the ground when the weight is suspended from the other end.

A Y-shaped stick with two sharpened points
Tom Kilpatrick / The Manual

Step 8: Assemble your pot hanger. Stick the rest into the ground next to your fire pit and position your long stick on it so that the end is just above and just beside the heat. Pin the other end of your long stick into the ground. Once this is secure, hang your pot from the end of your pot hanger and use the notches to move it closer or further from the heat.

Campfire cooking recipes (with a pot)

A campfire pot hanger with a kettle hanging over a circle of stones
Tom Kilpatrick / The Manual

Above, we mentioned a few things you can cook with your pot, but below, we’ll give you more specifics on how to make some delicious campfire meals with your hanging pot.

Campfire chili

Saute ground beef with chopped onions and garlic in your pot. Drain the fat and then add canned beans (kidney, black, or pinto), diced tomatoes, chili powder, cumin, and beef broth. Simmer until thickened and flavorful. Serve with your favorite toppings like shredded cheese, sour cream, and chopped onions.

Cheesy sausage and potato skillet

Brown sliced sausage in your pot. Add diced potatoes, chopped onions, and peppers. Cook until the potatoes are tender. Season with salt, pepper, and your favorite herbs. Stir in shredded cheese and cook until it’s melted.

Campfire oatmeal

Combine rolled oats, water or milk, and a pinch of salt in your pot. Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat and simmer for a few minutes until the oats are cooked through. Serve with your favorite toppings, like fresh berries, chopped nuts, a drizzle of honey, or a sprinkle of brown sugar.

Skillet eggs with hash browns

Heat some oil in your pot. Dice some potatoes and cook until golden brown and crispy. Push the potatoes to one side of the pot and scramble some eggs in the empty space. Season with what you like. Serve together with shredded cheese and chopped tomatoes.

Tom Kilpatrick
A London-born outdoor enthusiast, Tom took the first ticket out of suburban life. What followed was a twelve-year career as…
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Tips to create your own wildlife-friendly oasis

Feed the birds
One of the best methods to bolster the wildlife population in your backyard is to feed the birds. Setting up even one bird feeder with a broad-use seed that wins over a variety of species is a good start. If you have the room, multiple feeders (including hummingbird feeders) with a range of seeds and feed are even better. Large bags of seeds are inexpensive and readily available at most pet shops and farm supply stores.
Keep the birds clean, too
Birdbaths might remind you of Nana’s house. They are, however, an essential part of building a wildlife-friendly backyard sanctuary. Birds love and need natural spots for drinking and bathing. Adding a handful of pebbles or rocks to the bottom also infuses the water with essential minerals and encourages butterflies to gather as well. Be sure to hose out the bath every few days to stave off mold and bacteria buildup.
Don’t love your lawn to death
Keeping your lawn properly maintained is important, but over-manicuring and adding too many fertilizers can discourage wildlife. Mowing and trimming your grass like a golf course might keep your neighbors happy. For wildlife, however, variety plays a huge role. Tidying up the grass near the center provides a place for birds and small mammals like foxes and badgers to forage. Consider leaving the edges longer to give invertebrates a place to shelter and hide. Replacing hard-to-maintain greenery with native trees, shrubs, and flowers is a great way to provide natural variety to your backyard. It also minimizes maintenance and attracts more wildlife.
Let the trees be
It’s tempting to want to tidy up your yard of dead or dying trees. If they’re not posing a danger, however, consider letting them be. All trees -- even dead ones -- can serve as new nesting places for birds. Tree hollows also provide safe spaces for ground animals to burrow, hide, and escape from predators.
Put out the bat signal
Thanks mostly to horror movies, bats have suffered a serious social stigma. In reality, they’re mostly harmless to humans. What’s more, they’re excellent natural exterminators. Working mainly at night, they can rid your backyard of massive amounts of insects, especially mosquitoes and agricultural pests. Small wooden bat houses are cheap, easy to install, and readily available on Amazon.
Welcome new toad tenants
Like bats, toads also make great garden tenants. They prey on insects, snails, and slugs -- up to 10,000 in a single season. Relying on toads to maintain your backyard pest population minimizes the need for artificial pesticides and other nasty chemicals. Attract more toads by installing toad houses -- basically any small, damp, enclosed space. These can be as simple as a rock pile covered with fallen leaves. An old, chipped planter or clay pot works great too. Flip it over, prop it up on a stone or brick, and leave it in an out-of-the-way area of your backyard. Just be sure any chips are wide enough for your new toad residents to use as a door.
Build a pond
For most of us, building a private pond is a luxury. If you have space and ability, however, a pond can be a great asset to your backyard ecosystem. It provides diversity and helps balance the variety and types of species likely to gather in your outdoor space.
Corral your cats
Cats can wreak havoc on your backyard sanctuary. Most house cats are adept hunters, which means they’re likely to scare off or eat birds, frogs, and small mammals. If at all possible, keep your house cats inside. It’s better for your backyard and better for your feline’s overall health, too.
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