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What’s Spokane-Style Pizza? Is It Even a Thing?

Fresh Ingredients Make all the Difference in Spokane-Style Pizza

If you spend much time on the internet, you may have stumbled across a TikTok video touting Spokane-style pizza. Would it be the next great successor to a whole line of popular pizza types, from New Haven and Chicago to New York? Not so fast.

In short, it’s not actually a thing. The popular video has been debunked by many, picked apart especially hard by savvy Pacific Northwesterners who know their local cuisine. Some people got very mad on social media about something that was, let’s be clear, mostly just a joke. But maybe Spokane-style pizza should be a thing.

A person preparing pizza dough
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Seth and Laura Carey run Versalia Pizza in Spokane. They started the operation back in 2009, well before the most recent American pizza renaissance. It started as a two-person team making pizzas for farmers’ markets with a mobile oven, and has grown to become the top-rated pizzeria in Spokane. So, is it producing Spokane-style pizza? In a way.

“Spokane-style pizza is anything with fresh ingredients,” Laura Carey said. “The viral Spokane-style video used canned salmon, which would never be used in Spokane-style pizza. Canned meats in general would be frowned upon.”

If one pie summed up the current state of inland empire pizza, it might be one that Versalia makes quite a lot of. “One of our most popular pizzas has Brussels sprouts and bacon with a balsamic drizzle,” Carey said. You get the fatty goodness of the bacon, the herbaceous element of the sprouts, and some balsamic to tie it all together. It’s a great example of the Versalia style, which tends to showcase local farmers, some of which the team worked with way back when it was just getting going in the market circuit.

It makes sense, as the northwest is renowned for its proximity to freshness. Access to any number of great farms and growers is a major reason why cities like Spokane, Seattle, and Portland have become increasingly known for their pizza prowess. “Also, pizza and beer are like peanut butter and jelly,” Carey added. “I don’t think you can ignore the number of microbreweries that are in the area and that many of the local pizzerias serve local beer and cider.”

Breaking Down the Styles

Pepperoni pizza in a box
Alan Hardman / Unsplash

There are a handful of major pizza styles that have developed in this country since the pie gained prominence in the early 20th Century. There’s the New York-style, characterized by large portions of droopy pizza. There’s New Haven-style, often charcoal-fired and made atop a very thin crust. Detroit-style is thick and geometric, with those golden-brown caramelized crust corners. It’s a style that banks as much on the bread as the toppings.

Chicago-style is somewhat similar, often described as “deep dish,” with its filling makeup that can get you through a Windy City winter. While hunger-taming, this style is actually not as intense as some of the others. Then there’s the California-style, which is unsurprisingly a bit more health-conscious and involves more in the way of seasonality. Think thinner crust with a lot of veggies and healthier proteins as toppings.

In that sense, if there is a Spokane-style, it’s probably most along these lines (a west coast pizza, if you will). Yet, Spokane is a world away from L.A. and understandably uses different local ingredients to pull off its pies. As the regionality of pizza progresses, we may see a whole family of styles breaking off within the west coast umbrella, if they’re not doing so already.

What’s the next great pizza style? Who knows. It could come from anywhere, so long as there’s some regional flair to it. For now, the Versalia team is going to focus on consistency, as well as experiment with new crusts and cheeses. Carey said they’ll also work with more plant-based meats to meet the variety of evolving dietary needs out there. Spokane-style pizza circa 2025 might involve dough made with local grains, fresh produce, and Beyond Meat. We’ll have to wait and see. Just don’t be surprised if Phoenix style or Denver style become things, even if a little tongue-in-cheek.

Mark Stock
Mark Stock is a writer from Portland, Oregon. He fell into wine during the Recession and has been fixated on the stuff since…
Pizza Icon Anthony Mangieri’s Secret To Making Life-Changing Pizza From Scratch
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If you are lucky enough to have tasted one of the more than 700,000 pizzas Chef Anthony Mangieri has made in his lifetime, you'll see why the New York Times called the pizzas he produces at Una Pizza Napoletana the best pizza from a sit-down restaurant in all of New York City. Just think about that for a moment. The best. Pizza. New York City. You could say that's like finding the best baguette in Paris or the finest Texas ribs, but frankly it's even higher praise than that.

How does Mangieri manage to make such amazing pizza? He started young. Born and raised in New Jersey, the Italian-American chef was already making pizza when he was a kid, inspired by his regular family trips to Italy. In the early 90s, he opened up a bread bakery in his home state.

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What is a gruit, and where can you find one?
Gruit, the beer made without hops that you need to try
Beer snifter chalice glass

Most beers you know and love today have four primary ingredients: water, barley, hops, and yeast. That’s largely due to the centuries-old German beer purity law, or reinheitsgebot, which demanded that beer be made exclusively using these ingredients and set the standard for today’s brews. 
But beer is an ancient beverage — historians believe its story stretches back to 5th millennium BC in Iran and went on to be enjoyed by the likes of Egyptian pharaohs and the Greek philosophers. However, if Socrates or Tutankhamun ever enjoyed a pint in their days, the beer was likely missing one of those four critical ingredients: the hop.
In today’s hop-hungry climate of India pale ales (and hazy IPAs, New England IPAs, as well as milkshake IPAs, and others), it seems impossible that beer could exist without hops. The fact is that many other natural ingredients can serve as substitutes for the bittering, aromatic, and flavoring characteristics of hops. Today, if a beer relies on other herbs to fill the "hops" role, the beverage is classified as a gruit.

Gruit is the German word for herb. Instead of depending on hops, these brews use exotic additives like bog myrtle, horehound, elderflowers, and yarrow to offset the sweetness of the malts and create a more complex beverage.
Thanks to the creativity of modern breweries, you don’t have to travel back to the Middle Ages to find a gruit (though if you can, please let us in on your time travel technology). You can try them right now, but you will have to do some detective work.
“Authentic” gruits can be tough to find in the mainstream marketplace. That’s because some laws require hops to be present for a product to be sold as beer. Not having the “beer” title would limit distribution and sales channels for some breweries.  To illustrate how rare gruits are in the current marketplace, there are currently 32,576 American IPAs listed on the Beer Advocate database and only 380 gruits.
But don’t despair — this list will help you get started on the path toward discovering modern versions of the ancient ale. Start your gruit journey here:

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Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul’s competing recipes for National Michelada Day
Smokey, fruity, or spicy - there's a Michelada recipe for every taste
national michelada day modelo x dos hombres hero image 1

Today, July 12, is National Michelada Day, so that's the ideal excuse to kick back with this classic Mexican beer cocktail. Beer cocktails aren't the easiest thing to create as beer has such a low alcohol percentage and high amount of water compared to spirits -- but when you get it right, there are few things more refreshing. As the beloved combination of Mexican lager, lime, and tomato juice proves, there's a great way to mix almost any ingredient.

Another fun aspect of the Michelada is its flexibility. You can use clamato juice in place of the tomato juice, pour in an extra shot of spirit, and add whatever combination of hot sauces or umami sauces that your heart desires. As the drink is traditionally served in a glass with a salt rim, you can also add bonus flavors here like making a chili salt or using salt and pepper. And of course you can garnish with anything from fruit to pickles.

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