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What UFC champions Sean O’Malley and Aljamain Sterling eat while cutting weight in fight week

Spoiler alert: There's a lot of protein

Chicken breast and broccoli
Pexels / Pexels

Whether you’re a fan of mixed martial arts (MMA) or just curious about the behind-the-scenes routines of professional fighters, you might be wondering how UFC champions “Suga” Sean O’Malley and Aljamain “Funkmaster” Sterling get ready for fight week.

One slightly controversial part of their prep is cutting weight up to the fight. Weight cutting is a common practice in most combat sports and refers to dropping weight before a competition to compete in a specific weight class.

In this article, we get into the specifics to give you a rundown of what O’Malley and Sterling eat while cutting weight in fight week.

What Suga Sean Eats in a Day While Weight Cutting

What Sean O’Malley eats the day leading up to the weigh-in

O’Malley, known for his flashy style and knockout power, shared a recent video on YouTube giving fans a glimpse into his weight-cutting routine. In the video, he and his team discuss their strategies for cutting weight and maintaining energy levels. O’Malley follows a disciplined approach to his diet in the days leading up to the weigh-in.

Here’s a breakdown of what O’Malley eats on “whoosh day,” aka the day leading up to weigh-in:

Meal #1

  • 1 scoop of protein
  • 2 tbsp of coconut oil
  • 300 ml of water

Meal #2

  • 4 oz. of boneless, skinless chicken thighs
  • 1 oz. light Havarti cheese
  • 150 ml of water

Meal #3

  • 3 oz. boneless, skinless chicken thighs
  • 150 ml of water

At this stage, O’Malley says water is done for the day. The reasoning is to trick the body into thinking he’s still water-loading even though he’s cutting back on fluid intake.

Meal #4

  • 3 tbsp of full-fat plain Greek yogurt with one scoop of protein
Aljamain Sterling Full Day Of Eating To Lose 35lbs In 8 Weeks | 3 Weeks Out

What Aljamain Sterling eats in one day three weeks before the weigh-in

Sterling, known for his slick grappling and relentless pace, has also shared some insights into his weight-cutting process. Compared to O’Malley, Sterling’s approach differs in that it’s not as calculated but still effective. Instead of exact measurements, Sterling focuses on the types of foods he consumes leading up to the fight.

Three weeks before their fight on Aug. 19, 2023, Sterling posted a YouTube video giving his fans a peek into what he eats in one day during the early stages of his weight-cutting process.

Here’s a brief overview of a day in the life of Sterling leading up to a fight:

Meal #1

  • Salmon belly
  • Smoked chicken breast
  • Broccoli
  • White rice
  • Water

Meal #2

  • Chimol (salvadoran salsa)
  • White rice
  • Steak
  • Roasted potatoes
  • Water
  • 1 can of sparkling water

In addition to following this protein-packed meal plan, Sterling worked out twice this day and hit the sauna to help with weight-cutting. He lost 35 pounds leading up to the fight.

A note on weight-cutting and safety

O’Malley and Sterling have nutritionists, trainers, and healthcare professionals who closely monitor their weight-cutting practices to ensure their safety and well-being.

Engaging in weight cutting without professional guidance is strongly discouraged and can be incredibly dangerous.

Tabitha Britt
Tabitha Britt is a freelance writer, editor, SEO & content strategist.
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