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Does the Egg Diet Work and Can You Lose Weight From It?

As the New Year rolls around, many of us begin thinking about goals for 2022. At the top of many people’s lists is getting in shape. If you struggle with resolutions, be sure to check out our guide on how to keep your New Year’s resolutions. Assuming you’re looking to get in better shape next year, and maybe lose a few pounds, you’re likely considering changing up your diet or nutrition plan. There are a lot of different diets out there. You might be interested in a Keto diet,Paleo diet, or the Whole30 diet, but another great diet is one focused on the incredible edible egg. While not as common as other diets, there are many benefits to working more eggs into your nutrition plan.

Egg Carton with six brown eggs.
helloimnik / Adobe Stock

Benefits of the Egg Diet

  • Protein: One egg contains 6 grams of protein. Even better, the protein in eggs is easily absorbed by the body. Upwards of 90% of the protein in an egg is absorbed into your system.
  • Healthy Fats: There are about 5 grams of fat in one egg. Luckily, most of this is unsaturated fat.
  • Choline: Choline, found in eggs, is a chemical known to reduce inflammation and improve brain function.
  • Mood: You might feel a mood boost eating eggs. They contain tryptophan which increases serotonin.
  • Versatility: A perfectly poached egg is a thing of beauty and is delicious on its own. Eggs can also be worked into many dishes.

Who is the Egg Diet For?

While not for everyone, the egg diet does have some unique benefits. By focusing on eggs, but also eating other lean protein and vegetables, your diet is high in protein and low in carbs. If your body doesn’t like carbs or you’re trying to go keto, you can eliminate carbs entirely. This diet is perfect for those looking to maintain muscle and burn fat. The egg diet probably isn’t best for the long term, but it’s great for a short burst of fat loss, especially as we enter the new year, since a common New Year’s resolution is weight loss.

Below we’ve outlined what an average day of eating looks like when focusing on an egg-based diet.

Eggs for Breakfast

Poached Egg breakfast.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

This is an easy one. Many of us already consume eggs for breakfast. If you’re really trying to lose weight, focus on the egg white. One egg has 6 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat, and 0 carbs. Egg whites have 0 grams of fat, and 4 grams of pure protein. Though slightly boring, perhaps, an egg white omelet with spinach is the breakfast of champions if you’re looking to lose weight.

One pro tip is using a nonstick pan to make your egg whites. This allows for you to skip the oil or butter, which kind of defeats the low-fat quality of this meal. Start your day off with an egg-white omelet and some form of carbohydrates, such as toast or oatmeal, and you’re off to a great, lean start.

If you’re avoiding carbohydrates and leaning into a more fat-based diet, you’ll want to eat whole eggs. Two to three whole eggs offer fat and protein. Pair with another healthy fat, avocado, for a rich, satisfying breakfast. Or make a Greek omelet. Two whole eggs, spinach, feta cheese, and red onion with toast or oatmeal.

Eggs as Snacks

Hard Boiled Eggs on a plate.
Emmanuel Afolabi / Shutterstock

One of the easiest and healthiest protein-rich snacks is a hard-boiled egg. As mid-morning rolls around and you’ve burned through those breakfast calories we often find ourselves in the kitchen looking for a snack. Two hard-boiled eggs paired with a piece of fruit, carrots, or celery dipped in peanut butter is a great way to go. It’ll leave you feeling satisfied and happier with yourself than if you indulge in the holiday cookie platter.

Eggs for Lunch

bento box with eggs, rice, vegetables, rice and a chicken leg.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

As demonstrated in the picture above, it’s easy to work an egg (or two) into any meal. Pad Thai, rice and veggies, ramen, they’re all great with an egg added in. One or two eggs boost the protein of the meal, which helps you feel more satiated, as well.

Eggs for Dinner

Bowl fo Ramen with sliced eggs.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Similar to lunch, the egg can make its way into dinner recipes as well. The above ramen looks great with a soft-boiled egg. This spiced rice dish is another great option. Of course, breakfast for dinner is another popular go-to option.

However you incorporate more eggs into your diet we hope your recipes are tasty, your dishes flavorful, and the egg makes a delicious addition. It really is such a versatile food and the possibilities are endless. Bon appetit!

Benjamin Buckingham
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Ben lives in Portland, Oregon where he works as a freelance writer and outdoor guide.
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