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A Practical Guide to Writing While Quarantined

As a writer, I have felt a tremendous amount of pressure to get a lot of work done during this quarantine. What does a writer crave more than long stretches of alone time to sit and think and plan? Not much. So, I’ve sat in front of my computer on many a quarantined night trying to do just that and have come up short. Maybe you’re in a similar boat or perhaps your writer’s block has taken on a different form. Regardless, I decided to drum up a guide to help us both.

Glenn Carstens-Peters/Unsplash

Below, I’ve outlined some tips and tricks I’ve been using to get writing in quarantine. It’s by no means an exhaustive list, and what works for me may not work for you. But, it should give you a few tools to whip out the next time you’re feeling stuck.

Consider Your Writing Wish List

Before opening a fresh Google Doc or getting started on a character profile, think about your writing wish list. What stories/forms/ideas have you wanted to explore, but never felt like you had the time to? What is it that you want to say? How do you want to say it? I recommend blocking off an afternoon to free-form brainstorm for a while. You can write your way through this exercise, draw pictures, make maps, do whatever you want to do, as long as you’re giving yourself the space to sift through your thoughts before jumping into the writing process. More than anything, remember that you’re writing for yourself first, so only dive into projects that truly excite you.

Be Realistic

And while you’re brainstorming, make sure to keep it at least somewhat realistic. Instead of saying you’re going to write the next Great American Novel during the pandemic, maybe you say you’re going to write a stellar short story that speaks to your lived experience. Or maybe you challenge yourself to explore a different traditional form of poetry each week. The key is to produce things to completion so you can get that little creative kick without getting discouraged by your inability to produce the next Moby Dick. 

Set Goals

quarantine writing
Aaron Burden/Unsplash

To that end, I find it very, very helpful to set goals when starting a new writing project. Earlier this year, I was in a major creative slump. I felt like I didn’t have any good ideas and couldn’t find inspiration anywhere. So, I decided that for the month of January, I was going to write a poem a day. Style and length didn’t matter to me; what mattered was the simple act of writing itself. And I’ll tell you, I was shocked by how gratifying and empowering it felt to complete that goal. Were the poems good? Meh. But it got my cogs turning and allowed me to dive into deeper, more meaningful projects later on.

Do a Challenge

Having trouble coming up with goals of your own? Then check out some of the awesome challenges literary magazines, online forums, and bloggers are putting forth to writers during quarantine. My inbox has been flooded by 30-day challenges, writing prompts, and other creative fodder, so I recommend poking around the internet to see if there are any you’d like to take part in. Not only do challenges like this give you a kernel of an idea to work with, but they can help to hold you accountable when the going gets tough.

Join (or Start!) a Virtual Writing Group

Nick Morrison/Unsplash

Speaking of accountability, you may find it useful to join or start a virtual writing group. If you’ve never participated in a writing group before, it’s basically a meeting in which writers gather to share work, provide feedback, and support one another through the creative process. These groups are always useful, but especially so in this time of self-isolation. You could meet weekly, bi-weekly, or maybe just once a month to bounce around ideas and work out kinks in your project.

Be Patient

At the end of the day, the most important thing to do is be patient (and kind!) with yourself. Yes, you technically have a lot of “free time” right now, but that doesn’t mean you have to produce your magnum opus. You don’t have to write a poetry collection. You don’t have to create anything of substance at all. Drop the pressure and write because it feeds your soul, or helps you process this truly surreal time. Remember: Productivity isn’t the goal. Creativity is.

Need more quarantine advice? Then check out our guide to all the fantastic things you can do while isolating at home!

Cody Gohl
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Cody Gohl is a Brooklyn-based writer who enjoys covering a wide range of topics, including travel, fashion, literature, LGBT…
The Best Fiction Books About Pandemics
Man reading a book and drinking coffee

If misery loves company, those of us stuck at home during the COVID-19 lockdown will love these compelling works of fiction about pandemics. (Not that being stuck at home at all equates to the misery felt by people actually suffering from sickness or from those spread thin on the front lines fighting it, but I categorically reject the fallacy of relative privation, so you feel however you need to feel in these times and others.)

While the pandemic currently plaguing the world is new and strange in many ways, it bears many of the hallmarks of all past (and surely future) strife; be it war, famine, plague, or other times of struggle, compelling stories emerge. We read of doctors, nurses, drivers, and others who refuse to be cowed by the threat they face, knowing their work keeps others safe and indeed alive. We watch videos of communities coming together, even as, this time, that means drawing apart. And of course, we hear stories of suffering, pain, and death.

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How Isolation Can Actually Be a Good Thing
isolation relaxation window

The majority of the United States is under some form of “shelter-in-place�� or “safer at home” order right now. For some, that means holing up with a significant other, while others are with an entire family, including school-age kids. A large portion of the population, however, is home alone with nothing but their own thoughts, the occasional conversation with a food delivery driver, and a bottomless pit of Netflix. Were this any other year — a year where the world was not in the clutches of a global pandemic — that trio of circumstances might sound like a vacation. However, as the days have turned into weeks and then to months, the novelty no doubt wears thin.

We are hardwired to need at least some human interaction. Society also continually reminds us of how awful being alone feels or should feel. Prisoners are threatened with solitary confinement as the ultimate form of punishment. Most of us can’t surrender our phones for longer than 20 minutes without abandonment creeping in from the lack of social media feedback. On an existential scale, the fear of “dying alone” looms large over some of us as a fate worse than death. There is some truth to the awfulness of these things. Socializing with family, friends, and even strangers is a necessary component of our emotional well-being. However, it needn’t be a crutch or the only way that we can feel whole.

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The Best Artists for Listening to Music in Isolation
listening music isolation headphones

Music remains one of the best medicines on the planet. It’s a universal language that’s ever-relatable, inspires escape, and even allows us to grieve.
Right now, there’s a lot to process. I can’t imagine doing it without the incredible support good music provides. Whether you’re looking to lower your blood pressure, cry a river in the bathtub, challenge your mind, or simply dance the night away, we’ve got some fine suggestions for coping with what’s unfolding.
Tough times are much less so with the right tunes.

There’s a lot of anxiety in the air and it’s vital that we both relax and sleep. Fortunately, there’s music that inspires calm waters. For wafting, fluid, mist-like guitar work that’ll send you right off to bed, check out Cigarettes After Sex. The band’s whispered atmospheric rock is the lullaby we all need right now.
Katilyn Aurelia Smith is another act up to the task. The Washington State-born composer specializes in ambient synth music that’s ideal for a long exhale. In fact, her latest recording, Tides, was crafted specifically for meditation and yoga, and ebbs and flows nicely, with a rhythmic backbone that’ll place you into a peaceful trance. Moses Sumney is also worth a listen. His sound is hard to pin down but quite therapeutic, falling somewhere between neo-folk and futuristic soul. He’s already received some big endorsements from the music world, like James Blake.
Cigarettes After Sex

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