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Will Hutton

Will Hutton writes for the Observer and is co-chair of the Purposeful Company

July 2022

  • Illustration by Steven Gregor showing a woman think inside a circle showing the EU flag, a coin hovering over the slot of a piggy bank, being pulled upwards by a balloon in the shape of a pound sign, and pound notes going through a mangle and into a bin.

    Economics made simple: 10 experts on where the cost of living crisis came from, and where it’s heading

    Rampant inflation, war in Ukraine, Brexit… we ask 10 experts to explain what the economic crisis means for Britain and how we should respond
  • Boris Johnson

    Brexit legacy is just the start of incoming PM’s problems as cost of living crisis spirals

    Will Hutton
    Boris Johnson’s government offered too little too late, and now trade, social care, and the economy are paying the price
  • Tony Blair

    So the arguments over Brexit are done and dusted for a generation. Really, Tony Blair?

    Will Hutton
    We desperately need to rejoin the single market and customs union, whatever the former PM thinks

June 2022

  • Marchers behind a banner reading 'We demand better: enough is enough:

    Strikes, inflation, slump... back to the 70s? More like the unwinding of Thatcherism

    Will Hutton
  • Hillary Clinton holding a microphone

    Hillary Clinton is right: the age of the showman leader has damaged politics

    Will Hutton

May 2022

  • Rishi Sunak walking outside carrying a red folder

    We’re all social democrats now as Rishi Sunak joins the global rush to dump Thatcherite verities

    Will Hutton
  • Ukrainian flag is covered with grains.

    The food crisis is what happens when global chains collapse. We might need to get used to it

    Will Hutton
  • Illustration of a sinking hot-air balloon, with the face of a pound coin

    The economy is collapsing. Yet I can’t recall a government so devoid of a plan

    Will Hutton
  • a bird’s eye view of a slum, top, and a gated community, below, in Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Book of the day
    The Journey of Humanity review – ambitious bid to explain society’s economic development

April 2022

  • French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen campaigns in northern France on 22 April.

    A divided France and a Germany unsure of its identity threaten Europe’s future

    Will Hutton
  • Marine Le Pen, the far-right Rassemblement National party’s presidential candidate, speaks on French TV channel TF1 on 6 April.

    Orbán, Le Pen... voters are sending a chilling message to Europe’s beleaguered centre

    Will Hutton

March 2022

  • A smiling Rishi Sunak strides along a corridor holding a red folder

    For brazen cynicism, I have seen nothing like Sunak’s plan in 40 years

    Will Hutton
  • Dom Mckenzie The Observer Comment Economic Instability web version

    Warmed-up Thatcherism was never going to be the answer. Now it would be a disaster

    Will Hutton

February 2022

  • Student loan repayments<br>File photo dated 16/07/08 of university graduates, as students starting university courses in 2023/24 will have to start paying back their loans once they earn more than £25,000, the Government has announced. PA Photo. Issue date: Thursday February 24, 2022. The threshold for new students starting courses will be set at £25,000 until 2026-27, whereas the current salary threshold for repaying student loans is £27,295. See PA story EDUCATION Universities. Photo credit should read: Chris Ison/PA Wire

    Kicking universities is no way to solve the divide between the academic and the rest

    Will Hutton
    Yes, there’s a class lottery for resources. But let’s not forget what we do well
  • Burbo Bank windfarm and an art installation by Antony Gormley at Crosby Beach on Merseyside.

    This may come as a surprise, but I think the Tories’ levelling-up policy has got it right

    Will Hutton
    The flagship policy would transform the UK. If only this government could deliver it
  • Dom Mckenzie The Observer Comment End Covid Rules web version

    Like most, I relish life opening up. But this libertarian dash for the Covid exit is reckless

    Will Hutton
    Will the end of restrictions usher in a change in Britons’ behaviour, or will we continue to live by our own calculations of pleasure and risk?

January 2022

  • Hellman's mayonnaise: ridiculed for having ‘a purpose’.

    ‘Woke’ capitalism is the new villain of the right. It’s also the only way forward

    Will Hutton
    Ignoring stakeholders has led Britain to where it is today. After Covid, it’s time to reset
  • Over a million people marched in London against the Iraq war on 15 February, 2003.

    Attempting to ban protest is usually the mark of a repressive state. That’s not us, is it?

    Will Hutton
    Despite the defeats in the Lords, Priti Patel won’t give up on her police and crime bill, says Observer columnist Will Hutton
  • Emmanuel Macron

    Once Europe’s liberal hope, Macron is now prey to France’s toxic populism

    Will Hutton
    Racist contenders are stirring Islamophobic fears in their rush to take the presidency

December 2021

  • Dom Mckenzie The Observer Comment I and We web version

    Which philosophy helps us confront the crises that beset us... ‘we first’ or ‘me first’?

    Will Hutton
    Great institutions like the BBC and the NHS show that neither can work effectively alone
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