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Robert McLiam Wilson

Robert McLiam Wilson is an award-winning writer. His novel Eureka Street is published by Secker & Warburg

June 2024

  • Eric Ciotti, of Les Republicains party

    French farce is back with a bang as Paris descends into comic election mayhem

    Robert McLiam Wilson
    Emmanuel Macron’s gamble has set off a political comedy of errors that has almost put BoJo and Trump in a less-incompetent light

May 2024

  • The Olympic and Paralympic mascots, like red Phrygian caps on legs, pose on a quayside, with  yachts in the background.

    You think Parisians grumble a lot? Don’t get them started on the Olympic Games

    Robert McLiam Wilson
    From price rises to a ridiculous mascot, the French have had it up to here with the event

October 2022

  • ‘En mémoire de nos anges’ (In memory of our angels): a memorial engraved with the names of the 86 who died in the Bastille Day terror attack in Nice, with photos of many of the victims propped up on the steps below

    In a deserted courtroom, the grim details of the Nice atrocity go mostly unnoticed

    Robert McLiam Wilson
    Eighty-six people died in the 2016 tragedy, yet compassion and empathy have become exhausted