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Mel Evans

Mel Evans is an artist and campaigner, part of Liberate Tate, Platform London and Fuel Poverty Action.

August 2015

  • The Crystal Palace Quartet performing the opening recital of 'Requiem for Arctic ice' outside Shell's offices on the South Bank, London.

    Greenpeace: why we're asking Shell staff to face the music over Arctic drilling

    Mel Evans
    We’re calling on those lower down the ladder than the bosses pushing through these dangerous plans to question the trajectory that Shell is taking

May 2013

  • Liberate Tate performers

    The What Next? art campaign must tackle sticky questions like BP at Tate

    Mel Evans
    Mel Evans: Corporate sponsorship is no simple solution to funding cuts, as the BP at Tate case shows. This network must tread carefully

October 2009

  • RBS cashpoint

    Cif green
    Why we're taking the Treasury to court

    Mel Evans
    Mel Evans: Our money is being used by RBS without restraint. We have a right to impose environmental and human rights standards