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Maung Zarni

Maung Zarni ( is a London-based scholar with the Documentation Centre of Cambodia, at the Sleuk Rith Institute. He is a former visiting fellow at the LSE

March 2016

  • Htin Kyaw, the newly elected president of Myanmar, with Aung San Suu Kyi

    Myanmar’s new president might not be Aung San Suu Kyi, but he does represent progress

    Maung Zarni
    For the first time in decades, the Burmese people have a civilian president. Now they must weather the clash of military and opposition proxies to come

November 2015

  • NLD supporters in Myanmar

    Why Aung San Suu Kyi’s ‘Mandela moment’ is a victory for Myanmar’s generals

    Maung Zarni
    With a constitution that safeguards its immense power and wealth, the military knows that, unlike in 1990, it doesn’t need a crackdown to keep its regime intact