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Mark Vernon

Mark Vernon is a psychotherapist, writer and teacher, with a particular interest in ancient philosophy and why it matters today. He has a private psychotherapy practice, including constellations-based groups, and also works at the Maudsley hospital. He teaches at The Idler Academy and The School of Life. His latest book is The Idler Guide to Ancient Philosophy (Idler Books). For more information see

November 2010

  • Walt Whitman

    Cif belief
    William James, part 3: On original sin

    Mark Vernon

    Mark Vernon: Are humans born happy, able to create their own well-being, or do we need to be born again to overcome a 'sick soul'?

October 2010

  • Cif belief
    William James, part 2: The scientific study of religion

    Mark Vernon
    Mark Vernon: James demonstrates how identifying the physiological bases for religious experience explains very little
  • Cif belief
    William James, part 1: A religious man for our times

    Mark Vernon
    Mark Vernon: Existentially troubled and intellectually brilliant, James is still well worth reading for matters of truth, pluralism and God
  • John Henry Newman saw friendship as the foretaste of heaven.

    Cif belief
    John Henry Newman's last act of friendship

    Mark Vernon
    Mark Vernon: Why the beatified cardinal wanted to be buried with Ambrose St John is disputed, but for me this was an act of 'sworn brothers'

September 2010

  • Cif belief
    How William James offended the English mind

    Mark Vernon
    Mark Vernon: On the centenary of James's death, is there now more appetite for his pragmatic cherishing of beliefs that are good for life?
  • Cif belief
    A dead end on the God debate

    Mark Vernon
    Mark Vernon: The New Humanist debate at the RSA said much about the mistakes of New Atheism but offered little direction for the future
  • Cif belief
    A conversation with Stephen Hawking, aged five years old

    Mark Vernon
    Mark Vernon: If Stephen Hawking was a boy again, what questions would he ask, and what would be the answer?

August 2010

  • Cif belief
    The secret of 'The Secret'

    Mark Vernon
  • Cif belief
    Science, evolution, and ideology

    Mark Vernon
  • Cif belief
    William Blake's picture of God

    Mark Vernon
  • Cif belief
    Tariq Ramadan's pluralism

    Mark Vernon

July 2010

  • Cif belief
    Afghanistan's unjust war

    Mark Vernon
  • Rent a friend? What a wrong-headed notion

    Mark Vernon
  • Cif belief
    Chaos theory and divine action

    Mark Vernon
  • Cif belief
    Faith, hopes, and policy

    Mark Vernon

June 2010

  • Cif belief
    The eroticism of the Church of England

    Mark Vernon

    Mark Vernon: The BBC's new sitcom, Rev, is a surprisingly realistic picture about the sexual undercurrents of normal Christianity

  • Cif belief
    A dangerous seduction

    Mark Vernon

    Mark Vernon: It's easy to see the appeal of the perennial philosophy. But it falsely reduces human experience to an undifferentiated whole

    • Andrew Brown's blog
      The Dalai Lama on violence

      Mark Vernon
    • Andrew Brown's blog
      Belief news roundup

      Mark Vernon
    • Andrew Brown's blog
      Has Kylie got Kabbalah?

      Mark Vernon
About 208 results for Mark Vernon