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First Dog on the Moon

First Dog on the Moon is Australia's only Walkley award-winning marsupial-based cartoonist and has done all sorts of things including books, radio, stage shows and a lot of lying down

  • ProtestLaws2024pixie lump of coal with panicked look

    First Dog on the Moon
    Protesting stuff is your democratic right – or is it?

    These days, protests must not inconvenience anyone ever
  • Rules Of Multicuralism pixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    The unwritten rules of multiculturalism as explained by an older white man

    The what?!
  • CostOfLivingHackspixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Send your pets to work! And other cost of living hacks you can use every day

    Can’t afford health insurance? Why not avoid getting sick! As an added bonus you will feel great
  • Paymanpixike

    First Dog on the Moon
    Crossing the floor to support Palestinian statehood?! Who does Fatima Payman think she is?

    Here at the ALP we value caucus solidarity over principle
  • TerraformMarspixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Earth is dying, you say? Whatever. Let’s build a Mars rocket!

    Life on this planet is becoming er … awkward anyway
  • HousingHumanRightpixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Is owning your own home a human right? How about owning a jetski?

    Do we need a human rights act in Australia? Sure why not. Something else for governments to ignore
  • NuclearPatheticpixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Happy 200th anniversary climate change – thank goodness for Peter Dutton

    Nuclear power? Really!?
  • CattleTreesPIXIE

    First Dog on the Moon
    Who do these Europeans think they are trying to ban goods from areas where land clearing occurs?

    Sacre bleu!
  • AlboSquibbeditpixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    A large dollop of Australian voters say their preferred prime minister is … Peter Craig Dutton

    Omg Albo what have you done
  • TipsForWinter2024pixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Cold enthusiasts and dampness stans it is your time to shine. Here are some handy tips for surviving winter

    Find an empty investment property and move into it
  • CannotUnseepixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Gaza: things we cannot unsee

    How can you trust your eyes or your broken heart any longer
  • TheNACCvsRobodebtpixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Robodebt knackers the Nacc! In this country, justice is only for the powerful

    One might assume something called the National Anti-Corruption Commission would do what it says on the box – one might also be wrong
  • Koala2024pixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Claude the koala! A heartwarming tale of a cheeky marsupial’s derring-do or something more sinister?

    Wtf Claude
  • InequalityNews2024pixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    It’s the inequality round-up with your host Fiona the unpaid intern (bettong)

    We cross live to our dystopian future
  • TingleRacismpxiie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Good evening Australia, tonight I’m in a right tizzy about … being accused of racism!

    What are political commentators doing having political opinions?
  • AsbestosInMulchpixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Sydney! Already Australia’s worst city now you can’t even go to the park

    Look out it’s the Guardian Dirt Files!
  • WombatBurrowsAgainpxiie

    First Dog on the Moon
    A wombat burrow is the food court of nature – and so much more

    It is like an Airbnb combined with an Aldi
  • NoTeensAllowedpixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    It’s moral panic time! Thank goodness for News Corp who continue to champion the mental health of kiddies

    Of course social media IS terrible and there are a lot of people who should be banned from it ESPECIALLY cartoonists please ban me please
  • ImmigrationHousingEtcpixie (1)

    First Dog on the Moon
    Is immigration to blame for everything that is wrong with this once great country? Australia says yes!

    There were houses here until foreign investors bought them all
  • GinaPortrait2024pixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Olympic swimmers demand justice for, um, Gina Rinehart

    Hold my philanthropy bucket! What have the arts done now?
About 1,277 results for First Dog on the Moon