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Balsam Mustafa

Balsam Mustafa is a Leverhulme early career research fellow at the University of Warwick and author of Islamic State in Translation: Four Atrocities, Multiple Narratives

March 2023

  • Irak<br>Baghdad: American soldiers are keeping Baghdad residents from coming near a burning gas station. The fire began accidentally by inhabitants shooting into the air to show their joy that the electricity had been reestablished. May 1, 2003. Bagdad, les soldats américains empêchent des habitants de Bagdad de s'approcher d'une station d'essence en feu. L'incendie a été déclenché par accident, et causé par des tirs en l'air lancés par des habitants manifestant leur joie de voir l'électricité rétablie le 1er mai 2003. (Photo by Nam Hung SUNG /Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

    The Iraq invasion: 20 years on
    We Iraqis had survived Saddam Hussein. It was the US invasion that destroyed our lives

    Balsam Mustafa
    We have a saying that captures the devastation of our country: ‘Saddam has gone, but 1,000 more Saddams have replaced him’, says Balsam Mustafa, a research fellow at the University of Warwick