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The Guardian documentary

The Guardian's award-winning strand for new documentaries, from some of the best filmmakers around the world

  • A Mouthful of Petrol: coming of age in the world of banger racing

  • Still from Guardian documentary, A Mouthful of Petrol, directed by Jess Kohl

    A Mouthful of Petrol: coming of age in the world of banger racing

  • Guardian Documentaries ILYA  1920x1080

    Ilya: The AI scientist shaping the world

  • Ilya: the AI scientist shaping the world

  • My Blonde GF: a disturbing story of deepfake pornography

    Helen’s world is turned upside down when she discovers that her face has been digitally edited on to images of women in sexually explicit and often violent images. In this documentary, she shares the impact that deepfake pornography has had on her life, while raising awareness of this increasingly common form of image-based sexual abuse.
  • With Woman: the high stakes for a home-birth midwife in the US

  • With Woman: a home-birth midwife in Illinois, guides a first-time mother through her delivery

    With Woman: the high stakes for a home-birth midwife in the US

  • Burned to the Ground: the Canadian village incinerated by record temperatures

  • A still from the documentary, Burned to the Ground, set in Lytton, Canada

    Burned to the Ground: the Canadian village incinerated by record temperatures

  • Born in Damascus documentary, by Scottish-Syrian film-maker, Laura Wadha

    Born in Damascus: the legacy of Syria’s war for two separated cousins

  • Born in Damascus: the legacy of Syria's war for two separated cousins

  • The year that never ended: how a Ukrainian comedian rebuilt a stranger's house – documentary

  • Vasyl Baidak and Iryna Terekhova, from the documentary The Year that Never Ended, directed by Anton Shtuka

    The year that never ended: how a Ukrainian comedian rebuilt a stranger’s house

  • Ghosts of Moria: living in the ashes of Europe's largest migrant camp – documentary

  • Still Ghosts of Moria Documentary 1

    Ghosts of Moria: living in the ashes of Europe’s largest migrant camp – documentary

  • Skyward Arjun Listening

    Skyward: birdwatching is belonging for two teenage conservationists

  • Skyward: birdwatching is belonging for two teenage conservationists

  • Still of a migrant labourer The Great Abandonment documentary

    The Great Abandonment: the extraordinary exodus of India’s migrant labourers

    In 2020, the Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, announced one of the harshest Covid lockdowns in the world, causing nearly 200 million migrant labourers to be stranded without wages, food and housing. Many undertook long journeys to return to their home villages, while others, caught in limbo with their families, were forced to wait, living on the street or under flyovers they had once laboured to build. And as workers’ rights eroded, the push for unionisation gathered momentum in the country. Filmed in Mumbai, this documentary reveals the deep divide between those who have and those who do not, while questioning the actions of India’s leader
  • Images from the documentary Climate carnage: whose job is it to save the planet?

    Climate carnage: whose job is it to save the planet? – documentary

    In a crucial year for the climate, award-winning Guardian environment editor Fiona Harvey reflects on 30 years of Cops and meets the politicians, activists and scientists asking who’s responsible for saving the planet
  • Dear Bradford: a love letter to a misunderstood city – documentary

    From Muslim ‘no-go areas’ to Brexit-voting white nationalists, stereotypes continue to be perpetuated about Bradford 21 years after the 'race riots'. Farhaan was born in the city in the 1980s to a family of south Asian Muslim heritage. From a young age he feared being ‘found out’ and lived a dual existence, moving away from Bradford as soon as he could. He spent years travelling the world and teaching English. But, when the coronavirus pandemic hit, Farhaan was reluctantly forced to return to his hometown. Through his beloved grandma, or 'Amma', and the poetry of his late grandfather, Farhaan learned how to love Bradford – and himself. This is an intergenerational account of one family that tells the story of a place, but also of many other diaspora families across the UK and the world

About 192 results for The Guardian documentary