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Work-life balance

July 2024

  • Commuters walking to work

    Four-day week campaign to launch UK pilot looking at flexible working

  • The Labour party leader, Keir Starmer, and his wife, Victoria

    Tory jibes about Keir Starmer and family time show how out of touch party is

  • Keir Starmer has said the Conservatives are 'really desperate' after attacks on his work hours


    Starmer: Conservatives are 'really desperate' after criticism of his work hours - video

  • Keir Starmer (C) and Rachel Reeves stand talking to a male member of staff at the bakery who is wearing an apron

    ‘Really desperate’: Starmer hits back at Tory attacks on his work hours

June 2024

  • Martha Gill

    Woke capitalism is not to be sneered at. Gen Z is a mighty force for change

    Martha Gill
  • Woman working from home office

    Hybrid working makes employees happier, healthier and more productive, study shows

  • High rise apartments

    A loan until death: what happens when your mortgage outlives your career?

  • Young mother trying to work from home while raising a baby

    No wonder overloaded women try to marry rich

  • Drum kits and kombucha: how some Australian firms are enticing Gen Z back into the office

  • The Eva Wiseman column
    Why is it so hard to book a holiday?

    Eva Wiseman
  • A guide to ADHD and autism
    ‘I was terrified of the tea round’: the small changes that can help neurodivergent people thrive at work

May 2024

  • composite illustration showing women working in TV

    ‘At the start you get molested and by 45 you’re too old to work’ – the secret misery of women working in TV

    One female director hides that she has a child; younger women face a 39% gender pay gap; and harassment is widespread. Insiders say it’s a wonder the television industry has any women left at all
  • I was at my desk thinking ‘what is my job?’ … the fog of work.

    ‘I felt like I was losing my mind’: how to keep your career on track during menopause

    So many women get discouraged by memory problems and low confidence that they’d rather quit than struggle on. But awareness is growing, and workplaces can help
    • Should all workers get unhappiness leave? It beats awaydays, work-life balance seminars and company yoga

      Emma Beddington
    • Batch cook, set fake deadlines – and delegate: how efficient people get stuff done

    • Sharing the Load
      How can we expect mothers to return to work if we’re so reluctant to allow fathers to stay home?

      Myke Bartlett

April 2024

  • Busy nurses on an NHS hospital ward

    Nurses in England took an average of one week off sick for stress last year, data shows

    Chronic workforce shortages have put nursing staff under unbearable pressure, says union chief
  • Stressed woman sat at desk with head in hands.

    Burnout is not a disease, but a symptom of an unhealthy work culture

    Letters: Schuyler Laparle says the goal should be to build a culture of work in which the practices that lead to unbearable stress are not tolerated. Plus a letter from Allie Kochert
  • Lucy Bradlow and Bronwen Bock

    Double or nothing: Australia’s first ‘job-sharing’ political candidates raise constitutional questions

    Lucy Bradlow and Bronwen Bock say they would split official duties and make joint decisions if elected to the seat of Higgins

March 2024

  • pupils seen from rear with their hands up as teacher points to whiteboard

    Compensate teachers in England for inability to work from home, report says

    Research recommends bonus to help retain staff and make up for lack of hybrid working opportunities
About 1,794 results for Work-life balance