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Shirley Conran
Shirley Conran: 'You have to be so careful as you get older – you don’t want to look like an old hag, which is what can happen if you’re over made-up.' Photograph: Camera Press
Shirley Conran: 'You have to be so careful as you get older – you don’t want to look like an old hag, which is what can happen if you’re over made-up.' Photograph: Camera Press

What I see in the mirror: Shirley Conran

This article is more than 11 years old
'I use Sainsbury's almond cooking oil twice a day on my face – a pint lasts me a year'

I like saying, "Hello, good morning", when I look in the mirror. I'm amazed because I see a 17-year-old, never someone who's 80 – my age. When I see my 17-year-old, I also see fear of rejection. That sort of stays with you all your life; people don't like to face up to it, but it's true.

I used to hate my breasts – they were rather full and I was exasperated that men would go cross-eyed over them. I remember what it was like not to have them, and I preferred my 12-year-old silhouette.

In the 1960s, when I was in my  30s, we didn't have to wear corsets. Thank you, Mary Quant, for those new clothes – we'd pile on the false eyelashes and hair, and we all felt marvellous.

I stopped using mascara four years ago. You have to be so careful as you get older – you don't want to look like an old hag, which is what can happen if you're over made-up at 80. I had a neck tuck when I was 50, but these things fall down again. I should have had another when I was 70, but I didn't have time.

My beauty routine is simple: I use Sainsbury's almond cooking oil – a pint lasts me a year. I use it twice a day and never let soap touch my face. My shoulder surgeon told me that the only thing people look at is your eyes, and I like my eyes.

I used to take much more time over makeup, but would think, "Who's looking?" Now I think, "Well, you're looking, Shirley", and I feel more cheery.

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